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A3: The paperwork may not say it but my soul is Italian, so I've been all over exploring that corner. #culturetrav

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A5. And A3 oh I have been to France and I am part French! Forgot! Lol #CultureTrav


A5: I haven't reconnected with "long lost" relatives per se, but I see family in Poland and from the Netherlands! Here a pic with my mom and Polish who recently visited NYC (and we explored Roosevelt Island)! #CultureTrav

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A4: My biggest "A-Ha!" came from putting dates and info together in focus....as in "wait a minute, my mom wasn't born premature...." Sometimes it's connecting the small dots that are the most fun! #culturetrav

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replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O I also highly recommend reading this book. The Geography of Genius by @Eric_Weiner. It's worth every page.

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A6. I think it's interesting but not maybe all that important. Hmmm #CultureTrav

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A6: I think knowing your history is interesting as your ancestors play a huge role in the how and where. But I think it's equally important to recognize and celebrate being a Canadian and the rich cultural diversity we are surrounded by in the moment of today #culturetrav


A5 Very moving to see Anne Frank’s House in Amsterdam. They do a wonderful job telling her story and reminding us that history’s lessons are to be learned. Everyone should come here, it is so important to remember all the lives taken from us.

#culturetrav #jewishhistory