A3: I think language itself tells a story. For example, in Jamaica they speak English, but also Patois- a language derived from the islands history of interaction between the French, Dutch, English, and Spanish. #CultureTrav
replying to @travthroughlife @travthroughlife @CultureWithTrav The John Lennon look? #travel #CultureTrav
replying to @Polymathically @Polymathically @Nicolette_O Oof, that must have been stressful! Even when you spak the language, hospitals are anxiety-inducing #culturetrav
RT @itsmetheresac: A2 Yes, all the time! Especially in Poland when I was traveling through a more remote part of the country. Lots of chara…
RT @CharlesMcCool: @travthroughlife @CultureWithTrav The John Lennon look? #travel #CultureTrav
replying to @PrairieStylFile @PrairieStylFile That's my style too, but you are WAY more organized than me! #CultureTrav
replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A3) I think that different languages can bind us together via song and dance like when I went to a Tango show in Buenos Aires. #CultureTrav
replying to @PrairieStylFile @PrairieStylFile I like to learn the basics as well! I've never written them down though, probably a good idea as I'm sure I always mess up pronunciation! #culturetrav
A4: Case of gestural confusion in our own country: We went to a locals beach in Hawaii. Worried that as tourists we'd be harrassed, we left when a big, tough-looking native made an unfamiliar hand signal. We discovered later it was the welcoming sign "hang loose.". #CultureTrav
A4: Perhaps TMI but I was speaking to a pharmacist in Rome trying to explain UTI symptoms in Italian. #CultureTrav
Q4: Tell us a story where you had to draw or gesture to get a point across. What did you do? #CultureTrav
A4: I had to gesture/draw a bit to get meaning across when I met a group of Japanese tourists in NY. Their English was pretty good, but gesturing/drawing helped to get the point across. #CultureTrav
replying to @jettingaround @jettingaround @CaitlinKellyNYC I wish I had kept my Spanish and French lessons up more. Now, I understand Spanish, but my spoken Spanish isn't great. And the French is all gone. 🙄#CultureTrav
Q4: Tell us a story where you had to draw or gesture to get a point across. What did you do? #CultureTrav
RT @BespokeTravels: @Nicolette_O So true! Even just knowing thank you and hello helps a lot! #CultureTrav
replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A2. I have taken French lessons to help me on my travels. Due for another! #CultureTrav
replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A2 Yes, travelling to many countries where English is not the first language used, I've been able to communicate using a few well learned phrases, and a willingness to attempt to connect. A smile goes along way towards people wanting to help. #CultureTrav
replying to @travthroughlife @travthroughlife @Nicolette_O It's so intriguing to find out how language today stems from common ancient roots! Very helpful when learning many of the European languages. #CultureTrav
A3: I've heard that we get another soul when we speak a foreign language. #CultureTrav
RT @PrairieStylFile: A2: I always learn basic pleasantries, common questions and how to order foods I like when I travel. I write it all do…
replying to @travelcricket8 @travelcricket8 A1 English and basic French. Since I work in France I should really take some lessons 🙈 #CultureTrav
replying to @gemmagoesglobal @gemmagoesglobal Yeah! Makes such a difference. #CultureTrav
replying to @LindaPeters64
@Nicolette_O @BespokeTravels @travelcricket8 Love it, too 😍
replying to @PrairieStylFile @PrairieStylFile Love this! A very efficient and effective way to get around with the basics and phrases in hand! #CultureTrav
replying to @Pinkzenjoy @Pinkzenjoy @HeidiSiefkas I've only been to Tokyo and the surrounding region, but I noticed lots of English signage in the most tourist-friendly spots but not always in smaller towns or neighborhoods further from the city center. I spoke very little Japanese and did fine. You'd rock it! #culturetrav
replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A1 I grew up speaking English. I'm intermediate at Spanish due to not using it much (though I understand more than I can say) and my Arabic, which was never great, has gone rusty in disuse. I've tried to take adult beginner French twice but both classes were useless. #CultureTrav
RT @adventuresginge: @travelcricket8 A1 English and basic French. Since I work in France I should really take some lessons 🙈 #CultureTrav
A4: My name (Carl) also means sword or knife or something similar in Korean, though I can never get the pronunciation right. Anyway, I always introduced myself and then made a stabbing motion to loosen things up. Maybe that had the opposite effect? @CultureWithTrav
Wow. A really good attitude to have @Polymathically despite enduring a tough situation! #CultureTrav
RT @TravelTales_CA: A3: I think language itself tells a story. For example, in Jamaica they speak English, but also Patois- a language deri…
replying to @TravelTales_CA @TravelTales_CA This is so true! :) love that example, too! #CultureTrav
replying to @adventuresginge @adventuresginge @travelcricket8 Haha that must be difficult!? How do you find getting around with the language barrier? #CultureTrav a lesson or two might not hurt 😂
replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A2: I moved to China for 6 months and didn't speak a word. I was very overwhelmed to begin with but used a lot of gestures to get by. I then started taking Mandarin classes which helped but mostly just going out on my own and talking to people was the key #CultureTrav
RT @Pinkzenjoy: @HeidiSiefkas I did study Japanese for 2 years in college years ago but forgotten. Need to brush up the basics before I vis…
RT @BespokeTravels: @travelcricket8 A3: Language is one of the primary definers of a culture. So many are being lost as the smaller indigen…
replying to @jettingaround @jettingaround Definitely! I also think that we are slightly different people based on the language we're speaking. It's very tied into behavior #culturetrav
RT @itsmetheresac: A3 There are all these little customs, foods, traditions, etc. which are unique to a place. Fika in Sweden, for example,…
replying to @travelcricket8 @travelcricket8 Necessary, but tricky ... not the sort of thibg you learn in school. #CultureTrav
replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A1. Unfortunately, I really only speak English with some French. I have more French to learn, and would love to learn some Spanish or Italian. I find learning languages difficult. #CultureTrav
replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A4 not knowing what Rabo de Toro was in Spain, waiter drew a bull and circled the tail. @FunInFairfax and I were like, oooooooooh, OK! #travel #CultureTrav
RT @RTWBarefoot: #culturetrav a3: now. Language, even dialect, picks up cultural concepts. The more important the concept in culture, the m…
RT @PrairieStylFile: A2: I always learn basic pleasantries, common questions and how to order foods I like when I travel. I write it all do…
RT @TravelTales_CA: @Nicolette_O So true! I can understand more of other languages or traditions based on experience with similar languages…
A4: Getting food in Kiev was a problem - Cyrillic alphabet + lots of meat and I'm a vegetarian. Finally found a restaurant that had photos on the menu. There was lots of finger pointing. 😂 #CultureTrav