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replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A5. I was in Salem this October and have never felt more in tune with Halloween. Left the costumes at home though. #CultureTrav


A4 Theme Parks can be pretty spooky. Never know what you’ll run into. lol! #culturetrav #dinosaurs #jurassicpark

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replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A6. Avoid them! I’m a big scaredy cat when it comes to haunted places/experiences! 🤦🏽‍♀️ #CultureTrav

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A6: I don't actively seek them out but it seems like everywhere we go, there's something cool and spooky that we do. One recent example was this ghost tour we did in Goldsboro NC. Totally creepy but awesome! @Nicolette_O @VisitGoldsboro

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replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A4: The ghost town of Grafton near @ZionNPS - Founded south of the river from Rockville in 1859 by Mormons fleeing from persecution. It was decimated by the Black Hawk war, and by flooding. It was mostly abandoned by the 1920s! #CultureTrav

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replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A4 Lapland was spooky especially when walking down deserted roads at 2 am at night. We kept thinking we were being followed. Very eerie at night but daytime it was lovely 😀 #CultureTrav


Thank you for joining today’s #CultureTrav chat. Special shout out to the fabulous @Nicolette_O for creating such an AMAZING community. Much love everyone!


replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A6. I don’t believe in the supernatural but still have an obsession with it. I’ve been to Loch Ness, Transylvania and now Salem. I’d love to seek out Stonehenge and Roswell, New Mexico on future adventures. #CultureTrav