


Join us today December 20th to chat Traditions!

It's the last #CultureTrav chat of the year! Join us for a chat on Traditions!
Q1: What is the most unique tradition you have experienced while traveling? #CultureTrav

Q2: Is there a tradition you haven’t been a part of yet, but plan to experience at some point? Tell us about it! #CultureTrav

Q3: Do you have a tradition you inherited from your family? Can you speak to its significance? #CultureTrav

Q4: Have you ever discovered a tradition while traveling that you incorporated in your daily life back home? If so, what is it? #CultureTrav

Q5: Does your hometown celebrate any special traditions/festivals? Tell us about it! #CultureTrav

Q6: What is a tradition that you would like to pass on to the next generation? #CultureTrav