
Hidden Gems


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A1 Hi all from Sussex, UK. We have some obvious gems around being close to both Ashdown forest full of deer and the South Down's national park but we have a gorgeous 50 minute walk right out of our front door that we would say was a hidden gem! #culturetrav

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A1 Brandenburg, the state surrounding Berlin, is just a quick ride from town; it feels as if time stood still. Not all that easy to reach by public transport. #culturetrav


replying to @taraturk1 @taraturk1 @PassportStamps1 @travelcricket8 Hey Tara! Glad to see you! #CultureTrav

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A2: This beer spa and outdoor bath while road tripping in Iceland - LOVED IT! #CultureTrav


replying to @wingingtheworld @wingingtheworld @travelcricket8 @PassportStamps1 Yay! Awesome! Glad to see you! #CultureTrav

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replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A1) About 20 minutes north of Evansville where I live, there is a town founded by utopian Robert Owen called New Harmony and all stores are local based and family owned. The history is neat and they have a Roofless Church! #HiddenGem #CultureTrav

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replying to @KaraDiDomizio @KaraDiDomizio @smiling_food Love it, Kara! so glad to see you! #CultureTrav


A1 #CultureTrav There are lots of hidden gems in the South of #England but my favourite has to be #Oxford

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replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A1. My hometown is Santa Monica, CA and there are very few hidden gems left. 🤪 I suppose one would be blue gorge deep in the canyons of the Santa Monica mountains, with quartz rock formations over 150 million years old. #CultureTrav

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A1. A favorite hidden gem of mine here in Denver is The Wings Over The Rockies Air and Space Museum. It has a 182k square ft hangar full of iconic aircraft, space vehicles, etc. Named a 20 best aviation museum in the world by CNN Travel, yet it's never crowded. #CultureTrav

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replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A1 so many hidden gems along the #USGulfCoast. Let's start with this @CharlesMcCool article about #ParadiseCoast https://t.co/xLbdRnWyKn #travel #CultureTrav


replying to @travelcricket8 @travelcricket8 That sounds amaazinggggg! #CultureTrav

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A1 yes, the archipelago offers a lot of nice islands, small and big. #CultureTrav

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replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A1 #CultureTrav not too far from my hometown in Romania, there’s the beautiful Danube Delta 🥰 never been there though 😢

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A2 I stumbled upon Playas del Este outside of #Havana #Cuba per the request of one of my NYC friends who was curious. On or around my 50th trip to #Cuba, I went to Havana's beaches about 20 km outside of town AND not touristy. #culturetrav #cubatravel #cubicletocuba #travel


replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A1 I like the Guyanese Culture in Ozone Park @Nicolette_O - What do you think? #CultureTrav

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replying to @Nicolette_O @Nicolette_O A2) On a family roadtrip in Arizona we were heading northbound and needed to stop for gas/bathroom and found the #hiddengem of Seligman, AZ which is Route 66 themed and inspired animators of Cars. #CultureTrav