
#Travel Nostalgia in Honor of Our 10th Birthday



replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6 bring extra batteries and chargers! #ExpediaChat #sweepstakes


replying to @louisbink @louisbink @Expedia This is an awesome insight. #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6 Just be ready to experience the unexpected. #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia Research where you are traveling. Use @Expedia travel guides. Plan some activities but also be spontaneous. I learn a lot about travel spots when eating where the locals eat and have found some hidden gems. Take lots of pictures. Try new foods. #sweepstakes #expediachat


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6: Don’t worry and be happy while you’re on vacation! Leave the baggage at home! Turn off your phones sometime #ExpediaChat


replying to @Expedia @Expedia @Nmbr1yankeesfa1 Probably the hardest thing for people to do is not be in charge, & to relax & go with the flow #expediachat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6. It's best to travel with a partner especially one who has a strength in one thing. I have great sense of direction and I'm able to communicate. You need a friend or SO to help with scheduling and other things. #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia I would also say dont be afriad to solo travel. Some of my most amazing trips were me flying solo and I never felt alone with so many interesting people to meet. #sweepstakes #expediachat


replying to @Expedia @Expedia #ExpediaChat It has also taught me to be flexible; to remember that travel consists of alot of "moving parts" and if something goes wrong (like a missed flight or train), it's just another opportunity presenting itself to me! To learn, think, grow!


replying to @Expedia @Expedia Try to go with the flow...the unexpected things are usually the most memorable so be open to everything! #ExpediaChat #sweepstakes


replying to @summrluvertoo @summrluvertoo @Expedia Lovely! #ExpediaChat #sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A.4 Zach Browns band Toes. It makes me want to go right back to Naples Florida. #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia #ExpediaChat A6 I learned a lot about history, a subject that I love.


replying to @Expedia @Expedia I can’t drive 55 LOL driving through the flat plains of the US can’t help but to speed a little #Expediachat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6: Different cultures mean new experiences and new people to meet and love! #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia Sometimes spending a little more….gets you more value for your money. Example: A first class air ticket sometimes isn’t that much more than economy when you add the cost of luggage - since it’s free in First class. Always check options #Expediachat


replying to @Expedia @Expedia #expediachat #sweepstakes Best lesson learned is don’t plan every detail.


replying to @Expedia @Expedia #ExpediaChat the best lesson I learned from traveling is to have more kindness and compassion on how we are all different in this world


RT @Expedia: Q6: What is the best lesson you’ve learned from travel? How did it impact you? Did it change your perspective? #ExpediaChat ht…


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A2: Definitely China - we went during super foggy weather and it was difficult to see the Great Wall #expediachat #sweepstakes


replying to @BcheckDaniel @BcheckDaniel @Expedia YES!!!!!!!!!👏👏👏👏👏#ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @DaleRShaver @DaleRShaver @Expedia Bring back Up with People to the SuperBowl. #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia I love Arizona! I want to move there! It been my lifelong dream! #Sweepstakes #expediachat


replying to @TravelingSunDad @TravelingSunDad Such a great story/memory! ☺️ #ExpediaChat


replying to @Expedia @Expedia I was pickpocketed in Portugal. I thought I was being careful, but people who do this are masters at it. I learned to keep all openings/zippers facing my body, not facing out. Be aware at all times. I’d still go back to Portugal again in a heartbeat! #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia The best thing is to leave enough time to never feel rushed. Take time to unwind and put away the phone and just truly enjoy the time. #expediachat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6: don’t overpack. Consumes way to much mental energy and you have to worry about room for souvenirs and extra baggage weight. #ExpediaChat #sweepstakes

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replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6 But a brick wall in between two child passengers whilst traveling long distances 😂 And bring ear plugs! #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6: travel light! Carrying around too much stuff is stressful. It impacted me by caring less about what I wear and more about living in the moment. #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


RT @Expedia: A6: Leave space in the itinerary for spontaneity. The best moments tend to be unexpected. 😘 #ExpediaChat


replying to @Expedia @Expedia Trip to Mexico in the late 90's. It made me realize how lucky we are to have all we have that are luxuries to many there. I don't really want to go back, especially with all that has happened in the last few years. #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6. Also, don’t be afraid to jump right in! #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia For me it was a trip to Santa Domingo. Learn about how Spain at the time destroy the people that lived there. That the ones that live on the island is from slave trade and Latinos. It sad that discoverers did this #ExpediaChat


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A3: A statue I bought in St. Thomas #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6 Traveling has taught me that everyone is different in so many ways by the way we talk, live, eat, but we ALL feel the same when it comes to how we feel about our family, our home & our country. We ALL take pride in it & we love it with all whole heart #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia Thailand. She'd be outside my building all day making the best Pad Thai & chicken wings fried in a kettle connected to the motorbike. *Airbnb host in Cuba served us fruit that tasted like candy as breakfast dessert daily. My mouth is watering now 😄. #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia If u don’t bring it but it! Don’t stress about it #expediachat #Sweepstakes 🎉❤️


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6: Be prepared for a change of plans. (We had 7 flat tires on my childhood cross country road trip.) l learned that flexibility was important on a trip - as well as a good pair of walking shoes! #ExpediaChat #sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia At the advice of @MissCindrich, wear compression socks when traveling. Definitely helps with the blood flow.


Side note, still waiting for her to send me my pair after my Dallas Cowboys beat her Steelers. 😁


It's ok to travel alone.
https://t.co/63KIIZSjoo #ExpediaChat https://t.co/TZzfja4Q9j


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6. Sometimes u have a plan and then sometimes u just wing it and have fun. Talk to locals. I love traveling alone bc I get 2 explore more and learn a lot about the culture #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia Always leave time for a pedicure #expediachat


RT @Expedia: Q5: Food can hold so many memories. What is a meal on a trip that you had that you still think about to this day? Pics, pls! #…


replying to @Expedia @Expedia #ExpediaChat I learned to make a copy of my passport and keep it on me, to bring extra cash, let people know where your at, and to drink bottled water in a lot of countries.


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A6 Travel has broadened my horizons & my world view. Seeing & interacting with different cultures,eating different foods,experiencing new places & new people has taught me to keep an open mind, push my own boundaries & be open to experience new things. #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia Different cultures, great way to have more respect for others #ExpediaChat #sweepstakes


RT @Expedia: Q2: What trip would you love to re-do all over again? Where was it, who was it with, and what did you do? #ExpediaChat https:/…


replying to @Expedia @Expedia A1: I fell in love with traveling when I visited Italy with my family! Everything was perfect! #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes @Expedia


replying to @Expedia @Expedia I buy a special souvenir from every country I visit. 60 so far , it’s hard to pick a favorite buy probably the glass butterfly from murano #Expediachat #Sweepstakes


replying to @Expedia @Expedia Indeed! We like to have a little time to just stop at what draws our attention- some of the best gems are the most hidden! #ExpediaChat #Sweepstakes