


The most fun 30 minutes of your week, noon ET on Monday.

Welcome to the Twitter Chat that IS #FunDayMonday. While we wait for question one, tell us where you’re tweeting from and your most recent fun adventure to beat the summer heat! #FunTravelChat #travel
Q1 Phew is it hot out there. What cold beverage would hit the spot? And where would you like to be with it right now? #FunTravelChat #travel

Q2 Tomorrow is #PinaColadaDay. Are you celebrating with one or do you have another go to drink? #FunTravelChat #travel

Q3 Wednesday is 7/11 AKA #NationalSlurpeeDay. What is your favorite flavor and when is the last time you had one? #FunTravelChat #travel

Q4 Inspire us with a pic of a favorite cold beverage moment while traveling. #FunTravelChat #travel