
Travel Bloopers & Blunders


1. Have you ever been denied access to a place for any reason? Where? Why?
2. Have you ever boarded the wrong plane, arrived at the airport on the wrong day or something similar?
3. Do you have any habits/customs that are not done in other countries but you have trouble letting go of when travelling? What are they?
4. What have you forgotten to pack that was critical to your trip? (i.e. forgetting your swimsuit on a beach vacation)
5. What are some of your pet peeves that you see other travelers doing that they shouldn't?
6. Is there anywhere that you've traveled that you were totally ill-prepared for mentally? Where and why? How did you cope with your lack of mental preparation?
7. What have you lost while traveling? Was it critical to your trip?
8. Have you ever been scammed while traveling? What happened?
9. Have you ever been robbed/had anything stolen on your travels? What happened?
10. Do you have any standout mishap from a trip? Tell us about it. Better yet, post a picture.
11. What has been the funniest travel blooper/blunder you have done or witnessed?