
Travel Bloopers & Blunders


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Q1: Have you ever been denied access to a place for any reason? Where? Why? #GenXTravel


A1: I was refused admittance to Bahrain. I never found out why for sure, but I suspect it was because I listed "Editor" as my occupation and they thought 'dangerous journalist with a blog'. I had to fly on to Qatar and meet up with my tour group 2 days later. #GenXTravel


#GenXtravel A1: I once got refused entry to a museum in Israel because I was British.

That it was a museum about how the Israelis got independence from the British may be irony ... or sheer bloodymindedness!


A1: I wasn't allowed to board a flight from Dubai to Buenos Aires because I didn't have a visa. When I left the U.S. 2 months before, none was needed. Since then, it was a new year, policies had changed, and I didn't realize. So, I had an unexpected extended UAE stay. #GenXTravel

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A1 I was almost kicked out of Vietnam by a guard with a gun for taking a photo. I apologized and ran. https://t.co/7t7bqtSN0r #GenXTravel


RT @ChinaMatt: A1 I was almost kicked out of Vietnam by a guard with a gun for taking a photo. I apologized and ran. https://t.co/7t7bqtSN0…