
Your Travel Year in Review


Join us Wed. Dec. 5 for our last chat of the year—You Travel Year in Review

Relive your travel memories of 2018 and look ahead to the new year on our last chat of the year (and Vicki's last chat as co-host). Join us for one of our favorite chats of the year!
Q1: Where did you travel in 2018? Share a photo(s).
Q2: What are your most memorable travel highlights from this year?
Q3: Is there anywhere you planned to travel this year but didn’t get to? Why?
Q4: What is your favorite place you traveled to this year? Why? Share a photo.
Q5: Did you travel anywhere you didn’t like or wouldn’t return? If so, where? Why?
Q6: Who were your travel companions in 2018? Share a photo or give a shout out.
Q7: Was anything unique in your travels this year (accommodations, activities, etc.)? Share a photo.
Q8: Where do you plan to travel in 2019?
Q9: What are you most looking forward to in your travels in the upcoming year (destination, event, etc.)?
Q10: Will your travel be different next year? If so, how?
Q11: Will you travel over the holidays? If so, where?
Q12: Where will you ring in the New Year?