
Medical Tourism


Medical Tourism is a Thing. Let's chat about it.

Medical Tourism is where people who live in one country travel to another to receive medical, dental and surgical care while at the same time receiving equal or greater care than they would in their own country. This is often done because of affordability, better access to care or a higher quality of care.
Q1. Are you familiar with the terminology, Medical Tourism? Or is this totally new to you? #GenXTravel

Q2. Have you heard of people building their travel around having a medical procedure in another country? #GenXTravel

Q3. If you've heard of it, is it because you've done it yourself, have considered doing it or know someone who has? If you've done it, where did you go to for the procedure? #GenXTravel

Q4. Would you consider having a procedure done in another country and building a trip around it? Why? Why not? #GenXTravel

Q5. What countries might you consider traveling to for a medical procedure? #GenXTravel

Q6. What countries would you absolutely not visit for Medical Tourism? Why? #GenXTravel

Q7. Some destinations are marketing themselves as a destination for Medical Tourism. Are you aware of any place that is doing this? Where? #GenXTravel

Q8. Is your country one that people should consider if they are considering medical tourism? What country are you in? #GenXTravel

Q9. Does your country's healthcare system make this type of travel unnecessary or necessary? #GenXTravel

Q10. Are there any particular procedures you might consider having done outside your own country? #GenXTravel

Q11. What would be your key motivation for traveling to another country for a medical procedure? #GenXTravel