
Packing Tips and Hacks


What's in your suitcase?? Let's chat about your packing style.

What's your packing style? What can't you travel without? We want to know what's in your suitcase / carry-on.
Q1. Are you a packing champ or a packing failure? #GenXTravel

Q2. Has your packing for a trip ever been absolutely brag-worthy? Where were you going? For how long? How large was your suitcase/backpack/paper bag? Share a picture. #GenXTravel

Q3. Do you shop for clothes with their packability in mind? If so, what qualities do you look for in your garments? #GenXTravel

Q4. Packing cubes or no packing cubes? Why? Why not? #GenXTravel

Q5. Are you one to pack as much in your carry-on as possible without consideration for whether you can easily maneuver it and lift it over your head? Share a picture. #GenXTravel

Q6. When selecting luggage what's your priority style or functionality? #GenXTravel

Q7. What's in your carry-on? What are your in-flight necessities? #GenXTravel

Q8. What can't you live without when traveling? What would you give up if necessary so that you could have this item? #GenXTravel

Q9. How many pair of shoes do you pack? #GenXTravel

Q10. What one item do you typically over pack? #GenXTravel

Q11. Share your best packing hack/tip. Include a picture if you have one. #GenXTravel