
Travel Plans


First chat of 2019 is all about travel plans!

Q1: With so many possible destinations, how do you choose where to go? #InspireToWander
Q2: What do you plan first when organizing a trip? Sightseeing, food, transportation or something else? #InspireToWander
Q3: How early in advance do you plan a trip? #InspireToWander
Q4: Travel planning can be stressful. How do you keep the stress at bay and stay organized? #InspireToWander
Q5: Is there anything you leave to chance rather than researching it ahead of time? #InspireToWander
Q6: Travelling solo or with a friend in 2019? If so, tag them and tell us where you’re going! #InspireToWander
Q7: Do you normally plan your own trips or does someone else plan them for you? For example, do you opt for pre-packaged tours or have a travel companion that does most of the planning? #InspireToWander
Q8: Has there been a time where you travel plans got derailed? What happened and what did you do? #InspireToWander
Q9: Is there anywhere you visited in 2018 that you’d revisit in 2019? #InspireToWander
Q10: Have you ever planned a trip last minute? How last minute and where did you go? #InspireToWander
BONUS: Where are you most excited to travel to in 2019? If you don’t have a trip planned yet, where do you hope to go? #InspireToWander