
Travel Plans


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Q3: How early in advance do you plan a trip? #InspireToWander


A3. I'm a very organized person, so I plan trips months in advance, but actually booking everything depends on cost of flights #InspireToWander @inspiretowander


A3: Sometimes it's a few weeks, sometimes months & sometimes even just a few days! It really all just depends on the situation. #InspireToWander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A3: It varies, but usually about 3-4 months these days. I used to plan way farther in advance, but now we are thinking about going somewhere in April and don't have a clue where yet LOL #InspireToWander

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A3: We tend to like to plan in advance (6-8 months out) so we can make sure we have plenty of funds budgeted and get everything planned out (again, #oneofusistypeA) but we have been known to go short notice to take advantage of a deal! #InspiretoWander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A3: I am always planning 2-3 different trips as far out as 11months in advance.
Currently working on a trip to Munich for Oktoberfest.
Also, I usually have a suitcase in my room and keep throwing in stuff in there that I will need for next trip. #InspireToWander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A3 way in advance! šŸ˜… Even if it's close to home, I like to plan everything in advance. If I'm going to Europe, I like to plan at least 6 months before! Although the last trip I only planned it 3 weeks before #InspireToWander


replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A3) I have found typically 3 months or so is a good range ahead of time to start planning. I have a lot of big trip plans loosely but I wait until closer to departure for specifications as far as the attractions I want to visit etc. #InspireToWander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A3: So so so far in advance. And we like to plan several trips in advance so we always have something to look forward to! #InspireToWander


replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A3: anything from six months to less than a week. I once went to the UK from Canada with 3 days notice (OK so I'm British but šŸ˜‰) #inspiretowander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A3: I average around 4-8 months, starting in January. I like getting everything squared away as much as possible. #InspireToWander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A3: this can vary wildly, but generally 6-8 weeks in advance. Iā€™m in awe of those who do it 6-months prior! #InspireToWander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A3
I never quite know when and where I'm going to be heading for work. so I will usually figure things out when I'm on the way. I do try and talk to some local tourism twitter feeds to ask about photographic locations. #inspiretowander
A trip to Vancouver and the island


replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A3: I plan early in advance. Am currently in Sri Lanka and we booked the flight tickets on Jan 1, 2018 āœŒšŸ» #InspireToWander #travel