
Travel Plans


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Q5: Is there anything you leave to chance rather than researching it ahead of time? #InspireToWander


A5. Nope. I know not everything will go according to plan, but I'd rather be prepared than not. Especially for transportation and accommodation #InspireToWander @inspiretowander

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replying to @IBBtravel @IBBtravel A5: These days, activities and places to see in a destination! We usually have some definites and then just see what happens #inspiretowander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A5. I'm terrible and leave accommodation booking until the last minute. Sometimes I'll start my day with no idea of where I'm going to sleep that night. It can be stressful. But Booking and AirBnb usually save me by nightfall. #MyWifeHatesThisAboutMe #InspireToWander

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A5: I always leave some spare time just in case an opportunity presents itself for an experience! Though sometimes it's unintentional because I didn't have time to research as much as I'd like so then I have to leave it to chance 😹 #InspireToWander

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A5: We do a ton of research & planning in advance and then play it looser when we arrive but we do like to discover things that are unplanned - exploring by foot and popping into cafes/bars unplanned is one of our favorite ways to get to know a new place. #InspiretoWander


A5: Hotels sometimes I leave to the last minute #InspireToWander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A5: I like to leave some days open to catch my breath and take in a city or a place without any plans in mind. I like just walking around sometimes, sitting in little cafes, taking it all in! #InspireToWander


A5 #inspiretowander Somebody mentioned food. That’s something I never plan for. That’s what @TripAdvisor & @Yelp are for. I have in the past not researched attractions ahead of time, but that has bitten me.


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A5 I don't like to plan what I'm going to do everyday. I like to have an idea but not like all days planned, only the ones with daytrips #InspireToWander

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A5: I actually only schedule a few things and what I do schedule is usually the only things that are set in stone in order to leave time for wandering. I have found some of my favorite things about a place are the unplanned things! #InspireToWander https://t.co/WvMFGPgIVv

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replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A5: We like to have a plan for each morning , and enjoy a late lunch (w/wine, natch) and then leave the afternoons to chance. It doesn’t always work out that way but we find it’s good to have a plan for the beginning of the day. #InspireToWander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A5: after booking accommodation, we make no other big plans. That way, we can show up and wander around sand see what suits our fancy, rather than rushing around to see all the “must-sees”. #InspireToWander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A5: No-everything is planned. However, as a precaution, if I have connecting flights, I usually pick flights with 6+ hours in between to have a buffer and also visit the airport lounges for a quick free drink and a shower. #InspireToWander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A5
I will leave quite a bit up to chance. I find getting lost in a city lets me learn about the area. #inspiretowander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A5: Not usually; the only thing I can't fully predict is the weather. That's why I have a few backup options; they come in handy when you're dealing with rain. I'll switch up daily destinations or driving routes accordingly. #InspireToWander