
Travel Plans



Q7: Do you normally plan your own trips or does someone else plan them for you? For example, do you opt for pre-packaged tours or have a travel companion that does most of the planning? #InspireToWander

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A7. I plan my own trips as it's the best way to ensure I see and do everything I want to do and at my own pace. I've taken bus tours before and always felt rushed, which I don't like at all #InspireToWander @inspiretowander


A7: I might book some (day) tours but everything else is planned by me #InspireToWander


A7: I'm a little too OCD for that. I let someone else plan a majority of my Turkey trip this past summer & it reminded me of why I always plan LOL #InspireToWander

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replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A7 I always, always plan by myself. It's half of the fun, right? I've even planned for others too! #InspireToWander


A7 #inspiretowander Good question. I have bought tours in the past to places I didn’t think I could handle on my own such as China. I just don’t like them as well as doing it myself.


A7: Its me all day every day! I would not like someone else planning my travels for me. I haven't been out of the U.S yet, so if I was to fly somewhere, let's say China where I didn't know the language, I'd be more apt to try a pre-packaged tour. #InspireToWander https://t.co/f0SbGOTs0D


replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A7 I’m the planner of our group. I haven’t planned a bad trip or activity in the 18 years we’ve been traveling with our friends #InspiretoWander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A7: Plan my own so that I’m not subject to someone else’s schedule and interests. Went on a cruise and hated it, plus I usually have super nerdy history things that no one but my patient hubby will indulge me. #InspireToWander #nerdtravel

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A7: We tend to plan our own trips but being in the tourism industry, I'm lucky to know so many great travel curators and planners and can see the benefit of booking something prepackaged. Do what works for you and for the destination in question! #InspiretoWander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A7: I am usually the one who plans the trip overall albeit separately - hotels, flights, what day tours to take etc. I have never travelled on a pre-packaged tour. #InspireToWander


replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A7: I do everything, with some suggestions from my other half. We started doing hosted stays with tourism boards however and one of my favourite parts is (almost) everything being organised. #inspiretowander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A7: plan our own! We are not fans of tours, although I totally get why people would do that as well! I don’t like moving at the pace of a group. #InspireToWander


replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A7 Depends on the trip & who I’m traveling with. Recently went to Ireland with my 78 year old mother so opted for a prepackaged tour just made things easier and enjoyable for her. My sister plans when we travel together and I generally plan otherwise #InspireToWander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A7: I usually handle as much of the planning as I can. But it also depends on how difficult to reach the destination is; I could've arranged to visit Tikal on my own, but it was a lot easier to go with a prearranged group. #InspireToWander