
Travel Plans


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Q8: Has there been a time where you travel plans got derailed? What happened and what did you do? #InspireToWander


A8. Yes, but for a good reason. It's happened when I met people during my travels and decided to join them, which was a change from my original plans. Have never regretted any of the changes :) #InspireToWander @inspiretowander


A8: LOL not derailed but I did get stopped at the US border for a couple of hours :O #InspireToWander


A8: Oh man, I took 3 trips in 2018 and I was sick for 2 of them. The first one was for my sisters wedding, so I toughed it out. The 2nd was in NOLA & I got to go out a little bit, but for the most part on the second day was confined to the hotel :( #inspiretowander https://t.co/jRVD1EEMQY


A8: Maybe not derailed exactly but I've had my fair share of bumps. I usually just try to go with the flow & stay calm. Worse comes to worse, I take matters into my own hands & do what I need to in order to stay sane! #InspireToWander

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A8 #inspiretowander I had a flight get cancelled in Arizona. This is where it’s handy to know what your rights are. I asked them if they could give me a flight with another carrier which is what they did, otherwise heaven knows how long I would have waited.

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A8: Got food poisoning in Rome and had to cancel a few things there, didn't get to go to Vatican City at all, but dragged myself to the Colosseum all gross and sick. Thankfully I managed to feel a little bit better halfway through the tour! #InspireToWander


A8: This is why I don’t travel on a shoestring anymore. If something goes wrong, and sometimes it does, it makes me feel so much better to know I have the flexibility if I need it. #InspireToWander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A8: an AirBnB we had set up in Sri Lanka fell through at the last min, so we changed plans and went to Haputale. No clue about this place and once we got there it was stunning and the food was delicious. A real gem of a find. #InspireToWander

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replying to @IBBtravel @IBBtravel A8: Not quite derailed but lost 1/2 a day to a day due to delayed flights. #InspireToWander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A8: In 2017, kidney stones derailed what should've been a 2 week trip thru Central Europe. I thought I could power through it with water in pain meds, but it was too large. I was bleeding and staggering thru Prague's Old Town and needed emergency surgery. #InspireToWander