
#Romantic #Adventures


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Q8: What are your top 3 recommendations for having a romantic Valentine’s Day? #InspireToWander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A8: 1 - do something you love. 2 - eat something you love. 3 - with someone you love. Yes, that can be yourself! 💖 #InspireToWander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A8: Be with your person, do something special together that day, live in the moment! None of which I can do this year. Because Justin works :( #InspireToWander


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A8: um, I'm the worst person to ask this! I'm no good at coming up with romantic gestures! Although I am going to attempt to cook dinner on Valentine's. I don't cook 😂 #InspireToWander

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replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A8.
1- Keep it simple, if you try and over plan then it becomes too stressful and isn’t fun.
2- Do something that allows you to spend time with each other, that’s what Valentine’s Day is about.
3- Don’t break the bank


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A8 - skip it. Save money and celebrate on other days. Though, truthfully… Valentines Day sucks. You shouldn’t need one day out of the year to make your partner feel special. Make them feel special throughout the year!

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replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A8: I am the *last* person to ask about that. Gifts are overrated. Just spend some time with the people you care about. #InspireToWander

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replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A8: 1) Make your expectations known to your partner! Nothing worse than being disappointed because you weren’t on the same page.
2) Have fun! It’s a day to celebrate love!
3) Do something different, whether it’s a new restaurant or staying at a local hotel #InspiretoWander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A8) if you can’t do it on that day - don’t sweat it and do something special or romantic on a different night! Also the key is to enjoy each other’s company so picking something like a movie or a board game both want to play or watch! #InspiretoWander


RT @andreapeacock_: @JustinLaurenXO A8: 1) Make your expectations known to your partner! Nothing worse than being disappointed because you…

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A8 Since I'm usually single during Valentines day, I went more ways of dealing with a bad date
1) make sure you aren't on a date with your cat.
2) don't talk about your cat on your date.
3) don't phone your cat and put it on speaker phone during your date #inspiretoWander


A8. 1- Cook at home. VDay menus at restaurants are a rip off, plus your wine list at home.
2- Search travel websites for deals for later in the season. Traveling on VDay weekend is always more expensive
3- Just be with each other (and eat chocolate) #inspiretowander

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replying to @JustinLaurenXO @JustinLaurenXO A8 #InspiretoWander 3 recommendations for having a romantic ❤️’s day. 1 make every day Valentine’s Day! 2 always reserve special couples time and date nights. 3 travel and explore together making memories while living in the present!


RT @Guy_Theriault: @JustinLaurenXO A8 #InspiretoWander 3 recommendations for having a romantic ❤️’s day. 1 make every day Valentine’s Day!…