
European Escapes


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Welcome to the #InspireToWander chat! Tonight we’re talking about European escapes with @OliviaRutt & @IBBtravel. How is everyone doing?

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Hello everyone & welcome to tonight's #InspireToWander travel chat! We're talking about European Escapes! Where are you tweeting from tonight?

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HI, ALL! So excited that the #InspireToWander travel chat is here! It's definitely the highlight of my Tuesday 😻 Before we start talking about Europe, where are you tweeting from?

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Welcome to the #InspireToWander chat, where we're talking about European Escapes. I'm helping out @IBBtravel and @inspiretowander tonight. Where are you chiming in from?


replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander Tweeting from #Indiana in the 🇺🇸 #InspireToWander

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replying to @IBBtravel @IBBtravel Hi friends, pumped about tonight's chat. Plus y'all been blowing up my twitter notifications. 😂 #InspireToWander

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replying to @OliviaRutt @OliviaRutt @inspiretowander TWEETING WITH MY TEA IN KW! So excited for tonight's chat! #InspireToWander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A1: That's tough. Here's a start:
Cinque Terre, Italy
Beaune, France
Murren, Switzerland

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A1) Top three Euro destinations....I have only been to 1/3: Spain 🇪🇸 will always have my heart but other two would be for Croatia and Italy. I find myself enchanted by unique architecture, history - particularly Roman - and beautiful landscape! #InspiretoWander

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A1: I think I'd have to say Germany, Finland & Sweden - I'm also basing these off of that I've been to each of them multiple times. I loved other European cities I visited but I haven't explored their respective countries enough to decide! #InspireToWander

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replying to @IBBtravel @IBBtravel A1. Ugh, making us choose?! I guess we'd have to say #Paris, #Italy, and #Germany. We never get tired of these places - but especially Paris! #InspireToWander

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replying to @MeToddScott @MeToddScott I searched for a Manitoba GIF and I got this as the first result. Whoa Manitoba, whoa. #InspireToWander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A1: Thanks for not making us choose just one!

➡️ Lisbon, Portugal
➡️ Florence, Italy - well everywhere in Italy!
➡️ Budapest, Hungary


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replying to @OliviaRutt @OliviaRutt @IBBtravel @inspiretowander #InspireToWander I'm tweeting this morning from Balikpapan, Kalimantan (Borneo)

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replying to @IBBtravel @IBBtravel A1: GAWD HOW TO CHOOSE!? I mean ugh. Okay. I’d say Iceland would be top of mind for sure. Then Austria and Greece. (in a small voice, I list all of the other countries because COME ON!) #InspireToWander

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replying to @IBBtravel @IBBtravel no gif but have the shot of an ice shack #inspiretowander

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A1: So hard to choose! But our top 3 European destinations to visit would have to be Santorini, Paris, and Amsterdam ✨ But only because Ireland will be crossed off our list soon. #InspireToWander


replying to @girlonthefly17 @girlonthefly17 @inspiretowander Same! The architecture looks absolutely enchanting. #InspiretoWander

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replying to @inspiretowander @inspiretowander A2 #inspiretowander train, 100% - quick, easy, reasonably priced, booze