
#Beach Towns


Q1: What do you consider the world’s most famous #beach town? Got photo? Via @charlesmccool #JAchat
Q2: What’s your favorite cold weather #beachtown and why? Share a photo! Via @Touchse @CharlesMcCool #JAchat
Q3: What’s your favorite #beach activity? Napping counts! Via @taltywrites #JAchat
Q4: What’s your favorite food/drink you’ve had in a beach town? Share a photo! Via @MyGeogLessons #foodie #JAchat
Q5: What has been the best #accommodation in a beach town that you've had? Share a photo! Via @Touchse #JAchat
Q6: If you could live in a #beachtown, which would it be and why? Got photo? Via @Touchse #JAchat