Q5: How do you deal with loneliness when you travel alone? Via @suitcasenall #solotravel #JAchat
A5: Staying at hostels and joining group tours help with the loneliness. You meet people but your not committed to staying with them the whole trip. Via @suitcasenall #solotravel #JAchat
A5: I usually do quick solo trips, so loneliness is not an issue. Otherwise, WhatsApp to the rescue. :) #JAchat
A5: The biggest struggle for me during #solotravel is the loneliness. I try to combat it by talking with others when dining out. I've also done a small-group walking tour of a city, which allowed me to interact with others. #JAchat
A5 I do not get lonely during solo #travel because I am with my favorite person. #JAChat
A5 #JAchat I embrace the local way of life. In Stellenbosch, I realized locals sit for a glass of wine as early as 5:00 pm so I did the same. A minute later, the owner of the wine shop was talking to me!
A5. If I’m ever lonely when I travel solo, which is pretty rare, I find something to do or see (or eat!) that I really love. Usually looking at some art will do the trick! #JAchat #solotravel
replying to @jettingaround
@jettingaround @suitcasenall A5. I try to stay in hotels with bars - usually somebody there to chat with. In Paris last April, I stayed above the bar.
replying to @WorkMomTravels @WorkMomTravels @suitcasenall A5: A busy schedule always cures loneliness! We find that it’s hard to be lonely when you are in front of a breathtaking view or in an amazing museum, gallery, etc. Exercising/walking a lot is great too! #JAChat
replying to @CharlesMcCool @CharlesMcCool @suitcasenall A5 A little extra social media time helps. Back in the pre-cell phone days I always took a book or journal along. #travel #JAchat
RT @GWMtravels: @jettingaround @suitcasenall A5. I try to stay in hotels with bars - usually somebody there to chat with. In Paris last A…
replying to @jettingaround @jettingaround @suitcasenall A5. I take a 'buddy' with me! For my study abroad, I took my stuffed panda and dressed her in my boyfriend's shirt for company. Our dorm cleaning ladies once tucked in my panda with my roommate (a local student)'s doll and it was so cute! #JAchat #solotravel
A5. On a recent trip when I was feeling especially lonely, I joined up with a group for a tour. It made such a big difference. #JAChat
RT @Claudioula: A5 #JAchat I embrace the local way of life. In Stellenbosch, I realized locals sit for a glass of wine as early as 5:00 pm…
replying to @jettingaround @jettingaround @suitcasenall A5 Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet and a smile is a wonderful way to brighten everyone's day. Books are great company and WiFi keeps us all connected #JAChat