#Summer In the City
Q4: What are your favorite #foodie treats to cool down with in the city? Share a photo! Via @adventurepretty #JAchat #travel
A4. Ice cream is always the answer. But in Chicago, we cool off with Italian ice! #JAchat
A4 Perhaps sharing gelato with friends, like a giddy @Claudioula and a pensive @LatinAmerExpats #travel #JAchat
A4: Sipping a cold glass wine near a great view of the water & enjoying snacking on appetizers! #LongBeach @VisitLongBeach #JAChat @AdventurePretty
#travel #SummerInTheCity
A4: My favorite #foodie treats to cool down with in Schererville Indiana is @sweetFrog frozen yogurt. Well I go there #summer, winter, fall and spring. 😊 Share a photo! Via @adventurepretty #JAchat
replying to @CharlesMcCool @CharlesMcCool @AdventurePretty A4: Ice cream/milkshake from @hoffmansnj #jachat
A4 Vermont #icecream (creemee, they call it) with @FunInFairfax and @DanaHFreeman cooled things off a bit. #travel #JAchat
replying to @CharlesMcCool @CharlesMcCool @AdventurePretty A4 #Icecream and cold beer are my summer cool down picks. #travel #JAchat
RT @RickGriffin: A4. I like cooling down with carefully crafted margaritas! #jachat #travel https://t.co/Yc1ISIIbQE
RT @FunInFairfax: @CharlesMcCool @AdventurePretty A4 #Icecream and cold beer are my summer cool down picks. #travel #JAchat https://t.co/6Z…
RT @CharlesMcCool: A4 Vermont #icecream (creemee, they call it) with @FunInFairfax and @DanaHFreeman cooled things off a bit. #travel #JAch…
RT @CharlesMcCool: A4 Vermont #icecream (creemee, they call it) with @FunInFairfax and @DanaHFreeman cooled things off a bit. #travel #JAch…
RT @RickGriffin: A4. I like cooling down with carefully crafted margaritas! #jachat #travel https://t.co/Yc1ISIIbQE
A4.) I'll second @RickGriffin; you can't beat margaritas to beat the summer heat #JAChat @BajaSharkeezHB #HermosaBeach
RT @always5star: A4: Sipping a cold glass wine near a great view of the water & enjoying snacking on appetizers! #LongBeach @VisitLongBeach…
replying to @jettingaround @jettingaround @AdventurePretty A4. It has to be ice cream, doesn’t it? Or watermelon when I’ve eaten too much ice cream and need some nutrients. #JAChat
replying to @CharlesMcCool @CharlesMcCool @AdventurePretty A4: Ice-cream! #JAchat #travel #summer