#Fall Travel Ideas
Q6: Last one! What are the best fall #traveldeals you’ve found? Any tips? Via @WorkMomTravels #JAchat #travel
replying to @Royal_Robbins
@Royal_Robbins A6. Book well in advance and shop around for the best deals
A6: Because of my former job teaching at a university, I rarely got to travel during the academic year. So sadly, I don't have any fall #traveldeals to brag about. However, I can't wait to hear what deals others have been able to snag. #JAchat
replying to @Royal_Robbins
@Royal_Robbins A6. I haven't found any yet but would love to hear some deals
RT @StevenOnTheMove: A6: Because of my former job teaching at a university, I rarely got to travel during the academic year. So sadly, I do…
replying to @WorkMomTravels @WorkMomTravels A6 with my kids, I found that prices were super good at @Disney 10 days before Thanksgiving. No lines for rides either. Like NO lines. #travel #JaChat @Royal_Robbins
replying to @CharlesMcCool @CharlesMcCool @WorkMomTravels A6 fall is a fantastic time for road trips in much of the US. Residents can skip the airfare and explore closer to home. #travel #JaChat
A6: sing up for @scottsflights and keep an eye on @Skyscanner. Just type in anywhere in the destination field. #JAchat
RT @FunInFairfax: @CharlesMcCool @WorkMomTravels A6 fall is a fantastic time for road trips in much of the US. Residents can skip the airfa…
RT @FunInFairfax: @CharlesMcCool @WorkMomTravels A6 fall is a fantastic time for road trips in much of the US. Residents can skip the airfa…