#Family City Trips
A2 Some cities like #KualaLumpur provide great public transpo, which allows you to get the local experience! #LPChat
RT @lonelyplanet: Q2: Navigating busy streets w/ kids can be a challenge. What's the best way to explore a city as a family? #LPchat
RT @lonelyplanet: Q2: Navigating busy streets w/ kids can be a challenge. What's the best way to explore a city as a family? #LPchat
replying to @lpkids @lpkids @lonelyplanet the promise of treats are always a fantastic way to keep them in a good mood and agreeable #LPchat
replying to @lpkids @lpkids @lonelyplanet Q2 we also make sure we have a “just in case” plan & place to meet too, so everyone knows what to do. #LPChat
A2: I watch one and hubby looks after the other, always hold hands when crowded. Worked well for us so far! #LPchat
replying to @lpkids @lpkids #LpChat It's surprising how many countries don't account for strollers. A 5 minute walk can easily become a 60 minute nightmare!
RT @abruzzo4foodies: @lonelyplanet A1 #streetfood in #Rimini #Italy #LPchat https://t.co/CdK5DXMjaC
replying to @lonelyplanet @lonelyplanet definitely. I'm a scout leader and it's shocking how many kids can't read maps nor understand them #LPchat
replying to @lonelyplanet @lonelyplanet A1: I'm still a kid and enjoy desserts and colorful foods..They make me smile! #LPchat
#LPchat Creating our own walking tours worked for us. We highlighted kids faves. Worked well in Memphis AND Vancouver.
RT @raghavmodi: @lpkids @lonelyplanet ... And afternoon naps. Strollers are handy for such occasions #LPChat
Here are our favourite long haul destinations with kids - https://t.co/jGXs8SyzTh #LPchat @lpkids
replying to @lonelyplanet @lonelyplanet @lpkids A2. Take your time - things start to unravel if you are overbooked #LPchat
A2. We were really quaint and set an obvious rendezvous point (it was the 90s) but now I suppose there's an app for that. #LPChat
RT @lonelyplanet: Q2: Navigating busy streets w/ kids can be a challenge. What's the best way to explore a city as a family? #LPchat
replying to @lonelyplanet @lonelyplanet A2: Too big for a stroller but too small to walk? We pack scooters so the #twins can keep up #LPchat https://t.co/zGy0RRfk3z
RT @pintsizegourmet: A2: I watch one and hubby looks after the other, always hold hands when crowded. Worked well for us so far! #LPchat
RT @Luxetravelfam: @lonelyplanet @lpkids A2. Take your time - things start to unravel if you are overbooked #LPchat
replying to @lonelyplanet @lonelyplanet A2: When possible, take a boat tour. It's fun, relaxing, beautiful views and great memories #LPchat
replying to @lonelyplanet @lonelyplanet would always recommend a carrier over a pushchair for little ones. The rest of us walk in 2's :) #LPchat
Q2: Double-decker buses are a great way to explore #London and are an experience the whole family will love! #LPChat
A2: Our Festival City offers the perfect family destination! Check out our top tips- https://t.co/gaym3T9Y0W #LPchat
RT @globalmouse1: @lpkids @lonelyplanet Q2 we also make sure we have a “just in case” plan & place to meet too, so everyone knows what to d…
replying to @Luxetravelfam @Luxetravelfam Our tip too! It's so true for all travel but especially with kids in ow #LPchat
A2. In Rome we loved the hop-on hop-off bus. A break for tiny feet. Glorious drive around coliseum at sunset on open-air 2nd deck #LPchat
A1 difficult to choose among all what we have tasted: my elder son told me ribs in #Guadeloupe, #WestIndies and the other crêpes #LPchat
replying to @TinyTrekkers @TinyTrekkers @lpkids @lonelyplanet bribery works all the time. Just need to make sure that your partner is agreement to the treat #LPchat
RT @Fiveadventurers: @lonelyplanet give them the map. It keeps their attention and makes them always happy about walking and joining in #LP…
replying to @lonelyplanet @lonelyplanet @lpkids A2: depending on the city we will almost always take our double stroller everywhere & our trusty #ergo #LPchat
replying to @travelling_mom @travelling_mom @lpkids Definitely - going to start with my two soon #LPChat
A bit late to this month's #LPChat. A2 My god daughter and her wee brother love all forms of transport, so take advantage of bus tours!
replying to @lonelyplanet
A2. Always have a plan and stick together. #LPChat
replying to @Luxetravelfam @Luxetravelfam @lonelyplanet @lpkids we found that when we had 18 cubs in London. A few activities but really enjoyed is much better #LPchat
replying to @suncabo @suncabo Wouldn't it be nice if you could do all your exploring that way?! #LPchat
RT @lonelyplanet: Q2: Navigating busy streets w/ kids can be a challenge. What's the best way to explore a city as a family? #LPchat
We're loving the #familytravel tips coming in for #LPchat right now! Thanks to everyone who has joined so far! :)
RT @suncabo: @lonelyplanet A2: When possible, take a boat tour. It's fun, relaxing, beautiful views and great memories #LPchat https://t.co…
A2: Color-coded and bright clothing works well to keep kids visible and easy to find in a crowd. #LPChat
A2 We took the @Turibuscdmx in Mexico City with Katja of @globetotting. It was great ! #LPchat @lonelyplanet #CDMX
replying to @lonelyplanet @lonelyplanet Yes, especially when we went to see the cherry blossoms in Tokyo. So. Many. People #LPchat