#Architecture Around the World
Q1: Where was the most mesmerising ancient site you’ve ever visited? What made it so impressive? Share photos!… https://t.co/M0isl26jE3
Q2: From the Burj Khalifa to Rotterdam’s Cube Houses, modern architecture is so often about pushing boundaries. Whe… https://t.co/EJJZnpXbuH
Q3: Architecture isn’t just about four(?) walls – share photos of the most creative and/or beautiful examples of ce… https://t.co/ZyL8OcTc6x
Q4: Architecture is often all the more iconic en masse. What skyline always makes you go weak at the knees? Share p… https://t.co/6ZT0bawlEU
Q5: We distinguish and recognise destinations by their famous landmarks. Which was the best world-renowned landmark… https://t.co/ZjTuzoKEqX