
Micro #Adventures



A3 #lpchat There is annual #London #lumiere festival which is worth visiting.

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replying to @lpkids @lpkids @lonelyplanet @TurnbullWines It’s a fantastic weekend getaway from #SanFrancisco. So many great options within 1-3 hours ! #lpchat


A5 #lpchat a weekend trip to #roma makes for a great little #microadventure

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replying to @lonelyplanet @lonelyplanet A5 #lpchat I've got quite a lot to shoot in Rome. I've been wandering around away from home (gladly, though!) or going in only for events. I did manage to grab St. Peter's dome as the rain let up recently - I adore shooting in weather. Pride was also a microadventure highlight.

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replying to @WeirdTrvlFriend @WeirdTrvlFriend @passions_places @sheswanderful @lonelyplanet I’ve done the same. I attended World Domination Summit last year, @nytimestravel show this year. And added on TravelCon. They are such a great place to meet wonderful people and learn new things! #lpchat

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A5: I'm getting up well before dawn tomorrow morning to head out to the hills to photograph Serpentine Falls! Should be an mini adventure! #lpchat

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replying to @passions_places @passions_places @lonelyplanet @RMSP_tweets I’ve done three with them. Beginner, intermediate and Lightroom and they have been game changing for me. I now shoot only in manual and it’s been helpful for my long exposure #photography #lpchat

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replying to @lonelyplanet @lonelyplanet I’d love to see Stonehenge, the mystery behind it is truly magical #lpchat

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Thanks to everyone who participated in our #lpchat today, we loved your microadventures tales and ideas! If you're inspired, join us tomorrow when #LonelyPlanet contributors worldwide will be sharing their very own microadventures – we'd love to hear about yours too!