
Travel Without an Engine


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A5 We got eBikes so we can travel much further by bike now! Love to drive all along the Toronto lakeshore bike path. Only use pedal assist for big hills. #PTTravel @kate_frankie @JR_justJR

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A5: Iā€™m not fit enough for long distance bike rides. Went biking in Romania and failed miserably that my lovely guide gave up on me and beckoned for a local to take me the rest of the way šŸ˜‚ peep my bike on top of the local produce #pttravel #igaveitashot


A6 We stream our travel photos to our AppleTV and get to relive the journey over and over again. #PTTravel @kate_frankie @JR_justJR

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replying to @5to9traveller @5to9traveller #PTTravel President Roosevelt agrees - at least you bravely tried.

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A5: since then I stick to city rides. done it in Budapest and Amsterdam. Budapest was a workout as we cycled uphill to the Castle. Amsterdam my bike was way too big for my lil legs! #pttravel


via @ChatCapin GALLERY

#PTTravel Gallery is open! Popping eye-candies for jolly good times on Travel Without an Engine.

@JR_justJR https://t.co/KrczY22y5c


via @ChatCapin SELFIE

#PTTravel Full Selfie is up! And hands down the best visual that powered today's Travel Without an Engine!

@JR_justJR https://t.co/bk1pdJF2de

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replying to @5to9traveller @5to9traveller #Amsterdam is definitely one of THE BEST for biking. In part, because so many do it. and they know how to innovate. #PTTravel


via @ChatCapin LIVE

#PTTravel ENDS NOW. But RECAP is ready! Catch Galleries, Selfies, QnA's, Transcripts. on Travel Without an Engine

@JR_justJR https://t.co/rduHrpK2r1


via @ChatCapin STATS

#PTTravel Stats is out! Perfect wrap to close today's Travel Without an Engine. Thanks everyone!

@JR_justJR https://t.co/HkNA9cD1qA