


Join us today to talk about Space!

I've always been fascinated by space, stargazing and finding out more about the galaxies out there. Travel can include some of this exploration by visiting space stations and observatories
Q1 What is the most interesting and inspiring thing you've seen or found out about space?
Q2 If you got the chance to take a galactic flight, would you go and what would you hope to see?
Q3 Share a photo from an observatory you've visited or a place you've been to look at the night sky
Q4 If it's possible in the future, would you leave Earth and go to Mars or another planet? Why?
Q5 Have you visited a space station or would you like to? What can you see there?
Q6 Finally and most importantly, are you a Star Wars or Star Trek fan? Maybe Guardians of the Galaxy needs to be added now.