
Illness and Medical Insurance


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A5 Close to our regular haunt in Northern France is the regional hospital. Unfortunately it looks like something straight out of a horror film. We always tell Tom he can't be ill or he will end up there. Funny how quickly he feels better #pttravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A5. Aside from booking insurance I don’t tend to think about medical facilities until I need them. Spent ages searching every Carrefour and Monoprix in Nice for some Vaseline one winter. #PTTravel


#PTTravel Chat Question 6 (last one)

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A6 If you're travelling to France with a small child, make sure you take plenty of Calpol/painkillers/cold remedies...as the French pharmacies seem to have a penchant for prescribing suppositories 😬 #pttravel

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A6 The first step should be to contact my online Travel Clinic 😉 https://t.co/3gfgIdIpJt #PTTravel


Thank you for joining #PTTravel chat. Great advice as always

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A6. Don’t panic. If you don’t feel well drink some water and have a nap, and then reassess the situation when you wake up. If you’re going somewhere remote pass your planned itinerary and insurance details onto someone you trust just in case. #PTTravel