
Illness and Medical Insurance


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#PTTravel Chat Question 3

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A3 We’ve just spent the last two months in India and found we could get most meds from a pharmacy. I had giardsis and got meds, and my hubs had swimmers ear and got meds. Can’t say I’d really want to go to hospital in India though. #PTTravel


RT @PalmTreeMusings: A3 We’ve just spent the last two months in India and found we could get most meds from a pharmacy. I had giardsis and…

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A3 I worked on summer camps in the US for a couple of years in the early 90s. Had a few trips to A&E with really poorly kids inc severe seizures. The 'show us your insurance' before any treatment ethos is appalling #pttravel

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A3 Not sure how typical this is of other countries, but quality control is an afterthought in the Philippines. Plus, if you need medical care -- even surgery -- be ready to pay up front in cash. It's not healthy to get unhealthy there. #PTTravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3. It’s hard to say as I’ve never had to use medical services abroad. As far as I can tell though Britain ranks below most. #PTTravel

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A3 I think anywhere in the UK, North America and a large proportion of Europe is pretty good (knowing people who live there). In Asia, there is actually good access to emergency medical care in most cities but standards do vary and I have to write that as a risk at work


RT @JKatzaman: A3 Not sure how typical this is of other countries, but quality control is an afterthought in the Philippines. Plus, if you…


RT @Txiki_Tales: A3 I worked on summer camps in the US for a couple of years in the early 90s. Had a few trips to A&E with really poorly ki…

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A3 if you ever get ill or injured abroad you will want to be within medivac range of #Singapore! #PTTravel


A3 As a Brit I find it strange that in countries such as France you have to go to a pharmacist for even the simplest remedies - nothing available at hypermarkets that sell just about everything else on the planet #pttravel


RT @bemusedbackpack: A3 if you ever get ill or injured abroad you will want to be within medivac range of #Singapore! #PTTravel


A3. I've fortunately never had to use healthcare in other countries outside the UK and Scandinavia. I think we do pretty good, and I'm really disappointed we will loose the EHIC with Brexit later this year #PTTravel