
Travel Myths and Stereotypes


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#PTTravel Chat Question 3
(forgive the examples, blame Google search!)

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie #pttravel A3: on average, British cuisine is shite. :)


replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3 #pttravel All stereotypes should be taken with a grain of salt. I see Americans almost everywhere I travel (especially in my hometown of Niagara Falls 🇨🇦), I have french friends who are extremely polite and I don't think Nick is a hooligan when we travel 😂

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie #pttravel A3: tour groups of Chinese tourists generally conform to stereoytpes of getting in the way, taking selfies, and buggering off quickly.


RT @RTWBarefoot: @kate_frankie #pttravel A3: tour groups of Chinese tourists generally conform to stereoytpes of getting in the way, taking…

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3. I don’t want to let down the side but I have read the statistic about the large percentage of my fellow Americans who don’t have passports. 😄 I’d like to think that that will eventually change. #PTTravel


replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3 I've met so many Americans on my travels just like other nationalities. Also, at home coz several American companies have their businesses in India so lot of corporate travel happening too. I think travel is more accessible n folks travel whether for work or leisure #pttravel


A3 #pttravel All false; most cruises we go on feature some Americans; the only Parisians I know are Didier and Sylviane ... two of the nicest people to walk this earth ... and I refuse to answer the third on the grounds of possible self-incrimination 😀


replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3: I’m an American who lives abroad, so it’s not completely true, but I’m also from a town in the States where VERY few people leave. So it’s yes and no. #PTTravel


A3. There’s always a few bad apples but in general people are people. And things change over time. In 2000, only 7 million Americans were issued a passport. Last year? 21 million. That’s a lot of travel. (https://t.co/e8ip4ucHM3) #PTTravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3 And I've met you. 😝 Let me meet Ian then I'll let you know. Hahaha! My dad worked for a British tea company all his life. Haven't met any so far. 😂 #pttravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3. I mean, there’s statistical and anecdotal evidence to back many of these generalisations up, but for every walking stereotype you’ll meet another who bucks the trend — usually a fellow traveller. #PTTravel


RT @findinganeish: @kate_frankie A3. I mean, there’s statistical and anecdotal evidence to back many of these generalisations up, but for e…

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3: 50/50 on this. As I mentioned to the Chinese students, quite a few times, I'm only one person so don't fully represent the 🇬🇧 😁 Travel is all about observing and exploding stereotypes #pttravel


replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3 the Brit one is fairly true and makes me avoid places with other brits 😂 #PTTravel

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A3) To be quite honest, Americans abroad are often the most rude people I encounter. I’ll take a Parisian in Paris or a rowdy Brit over my embarrassing own tribe any day. #PTTravel


replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3: Sterotypes do come from somewhere though not out of thin air BUT we shouldn’t hold individuals we meet to those sterotypes, give them a chance they may fulfil them they may not #pttravel


A3- I think there was some truth to Americans not traveling out of Aremica, but more and more you're seeing that change. #PTtravel #travelingsession


RT @TrekkingThe: A3) To be quite honest, Americans abroad are often the most rude people I encounter. I’ll take a Parisian in Paris or a ro…