
Solo travel adventures


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#PTTravel Chat Question 6

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A6 My advice is that you need to be realistic. Solo travel isn't likely to give you a new outlook on life like 'Eat Pray Love' but it can give you confidence. I'd say you need feel somewhat comfortable in new or different situations to enjoy it #PTTravel

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A6 Before making a solo trip, double and triple check your plans and supplies. You won't have someone to save you from yourself. #PTTravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A6: Just do it. Don't let your fears get in the way. Take a good book and let Kerouac be your dinner partner. Indulge in the solo perks - wake when you want, eat what you want, do what you want! #PTTravel

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A6 #PTTravel Start small, take a trip for 2 or 3 days to see if you like it. Build on that take a longer trip & farther away. Then try an overseas trip. That's what I did. You develop your travel skills along the way.

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A6. It’s not as daunting as you think. Learn how to use public transportation, use navigation apps on your phone, pack light, exercise the same precaution you do at home. Solo travel is super liberating and fun. #pttravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A6 for English speakers I always recommend an English speaking country just bc it's one less thing to worry about. Start slow. Maybe even take a long weekend alone first to see how you like it. Don't try to do to much #PTTravel

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replying to @HHLifestyleTrav @HHLifestyleTrav @kate_frankie #PTTravel A6 Solo travel gives you a lot of freedom.

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A6 #PTTravel Don't let the fact you're 'half a couple' stop you. Even if you don't take separate trips, maybe separate excursions or side trips. Unless, of course, ALL your interests are common ones?


A6 Think about your boundaries and what you need as must-haves. Don't push yourself too far out of your comfort zone the first time. Build it up.
Lower your expectations a bit and try to go with the flow.
Get insurance! Be careful like at home and tell someone your plan


RT @DawnCorleone: @kate_frankie A6. It’s not as daunting as you think. Learn how to use public transportation, use navigation apps on your…


RT @aok_NW: A6 #PTTravel Start small, take a trip for 2 or 3 days to see if you like it. Build on that take a longer trip & farther away.…

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A6- If you wait on other people to go somewhere, there's a good chance you'll never go #pttravel #travelingsession #SundayThoughts

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A6 Do it! It is challenging but you can get a huge amount of self confidence and self esteem from only being dependent on yourself - you also get to see cool stuff #winning #pttravel