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A3 #PTTravel The Spice Market of Istanbul. The sellers were aggressive, you couldn’t look at something too long. I remember one seller pulled me into his shop to try Turkish delight with no added sugar.


If you travel to Skagen in Norway, you will find so much to see and do. https://t.co/RPzpxC5guC #PTTravel

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replying to @aandj8804 @aandj8804 @kate_frankie Every once in a while, we'll send a postcard to ourselves :-) #pttravel


#pttravel sorry. In a pub. Slightly drunk.

The dark beer is 11.5%.

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie I'm such a minimalist now that I don't buy physical souvenirs, my photos are all I need.

Although, v. occasionally I'll buy something from a gift shop to support a great attraction if the entry was free. #PTTravel

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A3 This is a market in Florence, Italy. This section of stalls sold leather. I like walking around these kind of markets in Europe on a Sunday #PTTravel

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A3 #PTTravel I was buying a shirt in China when our guide came by. I asked what the characters on the shirt meant. She said it was a tale about a dragon journeying to the sea. All I wanted to know was that it didn't say 'I am a stupid tourist who paid too much for this shirt'


replying to @SidewalkSafari @SidewalkSafari @kate_frankie That's fun! One time when I was sending postcards from France, I saved a stamp just because I liked it. ;)

I have heard of people sending themselves a postcard every day they are on vacation and putting it into a travel book when they get home. #pttravel

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A3 In Kaiserslautern in 1976, I decided to walk downtown until I was in pure Germany with no sign of "American." But then I turned the corner and saw Harry's Gift Shop. Beer mugs in the window: "200 Years of Independence: American Revolution Bicentennial." #PTTravel

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replying to @aandj8804 @aandj8804 @kate_frankie A high compliment indeed! Was that the Khan el-Khalili market? #pttravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie I’m always dragging others along to markets on my trips...when others see junk I see treasure and the opportunity to hear local authentic stories from those working in these places. Despite the rain I’m in an antique market in Athens #pttravel


A3. In Hyderabad India, my colleagues and I came up with a haggling strategy at Shilparamam Market since the vendors would 10x the price for westerners. I would discreetly gesture to something I liked. They would then negotiate for the item. https://t.co/RgQAL1hmXs #pttravel https://t.co/uXIMaaBCDL

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replying to @Gotmybackpack @Gotmybackpack @kate_frankie That's fair. I have gotten souvenirs home and been like "what am I going to do with that?" My husband and I try to plan out what we will do with the souvenirs we pick up during our travels before we invest in them. It helps keep costs down and minimizes what we buy. #pttravel

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A3 Also love a food market. This is Son Servera, Majorca #PTTravel

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#PTTravel Chat Question 4


A2. Travelling carry on only 99 percent of the time, memories taken back tend to be digital images. A major exception was at Cadbury World in NZ. I loaded up! #PTTravel


replying to @DawnCorleone @DawnCorleone @kate_frankie I used to do that, but then it became too much. It felt like added weight. HOWEVER, it is nice having things like that for blogging purposes. Being able to photograph them or refer back when writing about a destination. :) #pttravel


replying to @aandj8804 @aandj8804 @Gotmybackpack @kate_frankie #pttravel When we moved to a smaller house, our son got most of our African wood carvings!


RT @DawnCorleone: @heywhatsupcourt @kate_frankie Oh yes! I actually do save a bit of currency from every place I’ve been. #pttravel

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replying to @aandj8804 @aandj8804 @kate_frankie Very true! I try to bring a book with me and when I finish it buy a new local one and leave the old one behind. #pttravel


replying to @DawnCorleone @DawnCorleone @kate_frankie Yes! #pttravel

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A3 I LOVE markets (much more than Jim!!) My fave is Otovalo in Ecuador but here is Chichicastenango which is my most recent.....#pttravel


replying to @DawnCorleone @DawnCorleone @kate_frankie Thanks! We have to clear the board once every year or two when we run out of space. #pttravel


A4 #PTTravel A toss-up between Adelaide's Central Market, and the Granville Island Market in Vancouver.


replying to @SidewalkSafari @SidewalkSafari @DawnCorleone @kate_frankie Wow! Now that is a postcard board! #PTTravel


A4. That's impossible for me to answer. Too many choices! #PTTravel


replying to @aandj8804 @aandj8804 @kate_frankie Haha I know the feeling. I think I'll start to buy more souvenirs when I have my own flat or house but whilst in houseshares there's really nowhere to put them! #PTTravel

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A4 #pttravel Hanoi, Vietnam’s Old Quarter was fascinating. You could find just about anything & not cost a lot of money.

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie Definitely one of my favourite past times in Europe on a Sundays. I really kinda like that most shops are closed in mainland Europe so you can enjoy family time in different ways unlike in the UK #pttravel

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replying to @aandj8804 @aandj8804 @kate_frankie We are clearly not like your husband - last time I haggled I did it so badly the woman gave me a little embroidered purse for my necklace.....doh! #pttravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie I like shopping in France for food, the US (my home) for clothes, and Egypt for books and lamps. Egypt also has some amazing prices. #pttravel


replying to @StromfieldAdvs @StromfieldAdvs The richness of experiences in those images is amazing. #PTTravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A4. The flower market, goldfish market, fish and meat markets in Hong Kong are quite colorful. #pttravel

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replying to @StromfieldAdvs Thanks, that's what I love about markets - they are multifaceted with what you can get out of them - stuff, food, seeing what the local people buy, how they dress, haggling.......#PTTravel

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A4 Years ago, Tokyo's Akihabara district had the reputation for having great deals on electronics. I got an $11 water-resistant watch there. Being more than 30 years ago, I don't know if that's still true. #PTTravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A4) Best markets so far for me have been in Marakech and Thailand. My favourite market buy? An Indian film bought at a Parisian flea market 😂 Before the days of Amazon I had been searching for a copy for ages that would wrk in the UK #pttravel

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replying to @StromfieldAdvs @StromfieldAdvs @kate_frankie Aww! But that's sweet!

Prices in Egypt are hard and confusing. I wouldn't feel bad about it. :) #pttravel

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A4 Bazaar in Istanbul was such a great experience. I also really love India markets for things like rugs/cushion covers. Thai food markets are fantastic


replying to @5to9traveller @5to9traveller @kate_frankie That’s a great find! #pttravel

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A4: A couple of personal standouts here.

1 - I do love the Marrakech souks. Crazy, crowded - but great fun, with a brilliant selection of things to buy.

2 - Dry Bridge Market in Tbilisi is a vast flea market - everything from old cameras to severed hooves (srsly)

#PTTravel https://t.co/aOtblBuwx1


replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie Yes, food markets are cool, I haven't been to any proper food markets for ages - I think the last time was in Fetiyhe in Turkey! #pttravel


replying to @kate_frankie Oops, I think I did some kind of Boomerang video effect on that! Should have been a photo #PTTravel

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A4. I love all the things you can buy at German Christmas Markets, especially the glühwein mugs. We bring them home and drink our coffee from them year round. #pttravel https://t.co/xXZCiRZDb3

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3) these cool souvenirs in Macau 🇲🇴 #PTTravel


RT @matthew_ftravel: A4: A couple of personal standouts here.

1 - I do love the Marrakech souks. Crazy, crowded - but great fun, with a br…


replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie You can tell so much about the culture & health of a place from visiting its food markets. In Canada & the States all those prepackaged items drenched in sugar, bad fats, artificial ingredients. #PTTravel


RT @5to9traveller: @kate_frankie A4) Best markets so far for me have been in Marakech and Thailand. My favourite market buy? An Indian film…


RT @JKatzaman: A4 Years ago, Tokyo's Akihabara district had the reputation for having great deals on electronics. I got an $11 water-resist…


RT @DawnCorleone: @kate_frankie A4. The flower market, goldfish market, fish and meat markets in Hong Kong are quite colorful. #pttravel ht…


replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A4) This is a hard one as everywhere has their own quirks however I think South East Asia has some really amazing markets 👏🏽 #PTTravel