
Inspire Others to Travel


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Welcome to #PTTravel Chat!
So good to be able to host again. Where are you joining us from this week? I'm back from Antarctica 🐧❤

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie Welcome back Kate. Chatting from a very bitter Yorkshire - had a quick stroll around nearby Howden earlier #pttravel

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Question 1 #PTTravel


Hello from #Florida
#pttravel #travelingsession

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A1: adding to my previous tweet, travel starts at your doorstep: https://t.co/ZzXOGKWJxR #travel #PTTravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A1: I actually started travelling quite late, going abroad at 18 for the first time. It’s where all of my moneys been going since then though. 😂 #PTTravel

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A1 I did an overland for 10 weeks in 1994 and made my mind up then....I thought I might 'grow out of it' but aparantely not 😁😁 #pttravel @ChaddenH

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A1 Early childhood was all about UK travel. Mid teens I went on 3 French exchange trips and the rest is geography! Photos are Dorset and Guernsey - late 1970s #pttravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A1. I’ve been relocating with family since birth but I’ve been travelling under my own initiative since 2006, aged 18, when I toured Transylvania. #PTTravel

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A1- I've been traveling for close to 20 years now. I had traveled before, but when I moved to #Germany, is when I really got started. Everything was so close
#pttravel #travelingsession

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie I hope you enjoyed your trip to Antarctica @kate_frankie ...I was there back in 2005. I'm joining from home today in Bradford. #PTTravel (Picture: Cartwright Hall in Lister Park, #Bradford ). #bradfordmuseumsandgalleries

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A1 #PTTravel
I've grown up going on a holiday per year as a kid but early years were UK (home) trips. Later, in my teens, mam & dad took us to places like Egypt which started the travel bug. My solo travel started at 21 and I made it a priority since. I'm 35 this year

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Question 2 #PTTravel

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A2 #PTTravel This is one way of keeping track of the 136 countries I've visited

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A1 I've really got into travelling properly since around 2012 when I started working in travel marketing. Re-appreciating what we have both here on our doorstep and around the world #PTTravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A2: I’ve visited 38 countries now. It’s so hard to pick my top ones (and it changes every time I’m asked 😁) but Jordan, Croatia and Brazil would be up there. Seeing Petra was absolutely amazing and should be on everyone’s bucket lists #PTTravel

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A2 I haven't done a tally up recently but I always try to travel somewhere new. Some of my faves last year were Jordan, Cotswolds and Bergen #PTTravel


A2- I've visited at least 30 with a couple I won't count because I didn't spend time there like I wanted. That number used to seem like so many to me. Now, I think I need to #travel more
#pttravel #travelingsession


A2 Not off hand. It's around 50 which means there's plenty more to discover. I'd love to do more South East Asia - been to Thailand, Malaysia and SIngapore and loved them all #pttravel

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A2 Yup, 77 and the ones I enjoyed the most......Madagascar, Ecuador, Georgia and Mexico.....but then there's Argentina, Cambodia and the whole of Scandinavia....and then Belize, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Germany.....no, too hard! #pttravel