
Post Pandemic Travel


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replying to @findinganeish @findinganeish @kate_frankie Yeh, when i passed through on Tuesday it looked nice. Last time I saw the sun, that! #pttravel [i believe that's the very end of Union Street? Feel free to correct]

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie #PTTravel Chat A5

my big take is that, like after the Spanish flu, we all went back to partying. in fact, in great style. And we have a lot more medical and scientific advances than we did 100 years go. We're going to go back to 'normal'.


replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @kate_frankie Yeah, that’s Castlegate. Old Blackfriar’s (just out of your shot, on the right) is a favourite pub of mine. I just really like the colour that’s been injected into the Granite City. The flowerpots and painted stairs on School Hill are a nice touch. #PTTravel