Exploring cultures different to our own

replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie @NomadKeith @RooLovesTravel @findinganeish @vickyinglis13 @JKatzaman @coastalspc @CharlesMcCool @DesiKadyova @thethoughtcard @PT_Explorer Yup, ok. mornin' #pttravel

replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie @RooLovesTravel @findinganeish @vickyinglis13 @JKatzaman @coastalspc @CharlesMcCool @DesiKadyova @thethoughtcard @PT_Explorer #pttravel I am at home in Amesbury, looking forward to better weather next week.

#PTTravel Chat
Q1 What could a traveller to your home region find in terms of culture? What reflects your local culture?

I'm at home in North East England. Just enjoying Sunday before work starts again tomorrow. Annual leave is coming up soon!

A1 #PTTravel If you'd asked me 20 years ago, I'd have said 'pub culture'. But, it's been so long since I've been in a place 'where everyone knows your name'.

A1 #pttravel Oregon has much to offer. Skiing in the mountains, hunting & hiking east of the mountains. A beer & wine culture in the valley & Central Oregon. The coast has its own culture.

RT @NomadKeith: A1 #PTTravel If you'd asked me 20 years ago, I'd have said 'pub culture'. But, it's been so long since I've been in a place…

RT @aok_NW: A1 #pttravel Oregon has much to offer. Skiing in the mountains, hunting & hiking east of the mountains. A beer & wine culture…

replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie #PTTravel Chat A1: Typical New Englander culture independence, not overly friendly in general – more reserved, strongly influenced by Boston culture, education, arts, etc. Moderately interested in nature probably more focused on beach environments though

replying to @OutoftheOffice8 @OutoftheOffice8 @kate_frankie It really does depend on what area of the state you are in what the culture is going to be. #pttravel

A1 North East England was historically industrial. Mining and shipbuilding heritage. Birthplace of locomotive steam engine. There are museums that reflect the history. It is coastal plus villages/towns. Kippers, tea, stotties broon ale & other food/drink is found here

#PTTravel Chat
Q2 Which culture that is different to your own have you found most interesting and why?

RT @kate_frankie: #PTTravel
A1 North East England was historically industrial. Mining and shipbuilding heritage. Birthplace of locomotive s…

replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A1: Don't mind home base being PNW/Seattle actually enjoy returning home for short periods of time and enjoying the different cultures Native Americans, Scandinavians, Asians and Hispanic are history Today can hear many different languages on a short walk And the foods! #pttravel

RT @OutoftheOffice8: @kate_frankie #PTTravel Chat A1: Typical New Englander culture independence, not overly friendly in general – more re…

replying to @aok_NW @aok_NW @OutoftheOffice8 @kate_frankie #pttravel Often, it depends on what part of town, or even what street you live in.

replying to @aok_NW @aok_NW @OutoftheOffice8 Its really interesting that there are sub cultures in states. I remember realising how different parts of California were and that they have their own culture. People, accents, food, things to do and how communities see themselves differs a lot #PTTravel

A2 #PTTravel I really love anything Italian! Some say. jokingly, I was Italian in a 'previous existence'.

#pttravel i am, btw, right now, on a train in ... The North. Signal often absent. Hence my lack of participation this week.

A2 #pttravel I was able to visit the townships of South Africa that were in the news so much 40 years ago. Today, they have a vibrant culture. We were shown this building built using sea vans. They teach their youth how to build things like this.

A1 Judging your own culture is tough. You'd be tempted to tell a traveler there's nothing out of the ordinary, assuming your normal is everyone else's normal. #PTTravel

RT @Morology: @kate_frankie A1: Don't mind home base being PNW/Seattle actually enjoy returning home for short periods of time and enjoying…

RT @NomadKeith: @aok_NW @OutoftheOffice8 @kate_frankie #pttravel Often, it depends on what part of town, or even what street you live in.

RT @NomadKeith: A2 #PTTravel I really love anything Italian! Some say. jokingly, I was Italian in a 'previous existence'.

replying to @NomadKeith @NomadKeith It is such a rich culture. It appeals to my romantic, arty side a lot. Also food and drink culture is so strong. If I had to eat only one cuisine, I wouldn't be heartbroken if it were Italian #PTTravel

RT @aok_NW: A2 #pttravel I was able to visit the townships of South Africa that were in the news so much 40 years ago. Today, they have a…

A2 Europe in general seems pristine and clean, making me think those tiny guillotines on the no-littering signs aren't there just for show. #PTTravel

replying to @aok_NW @aok_NW That is vastly different but great to see how people live. What they can utilise #PTTravel

RT @JKatzaman: A1 Judging your own culture is tough. You'd be tempted to tell a traveler there's nothing out of the ordinary, assuming your…

replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie #pttravel I think it's down to the Italian films, or films set in Italy (especially if they starred Sophia Loren) while I was growing up in the 50s

replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie #PTTravel Chat A2: The different culture that impressed me the most was in Ecuador. The people were so welcoming and friendly as LGBTQ couple that’s always impressive. Whenever we had questions or were unsure of directions, etc. there was always someone willing to help

replying to @JKatzaman @JKatzaman That's very true. I forget some little quirks until I'm talking to international students coming to live here. Their reflection on life here is very cool to hear. Reminds me of what I now overlook #PTTravel

#PTTravel Chat
Q3 Share photos of different cultural experiences you've had on your trips

replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie As I remember, they were using it as a basketball court. I remember how naturally cool it was on a hot day. It was really creative. #pttravel

replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A2: Islamic/Muslim culture mostly. Because I was inculcated into the judeo/christian directly out of the womb and knew of nothing else until later in life when I started to question everything. #pttravel

RT @JKatzaman: A2 Europe in general seems pristine and clean, making me think those tiny guillotines on the no-littering signs aren't there…

RT @NomadKeith: @kate_frankie #pttravel I think it's down to the Italian films, or films set in Italy (especially if they starred Sophia Lo…

A3 #pttravel Some more pics around the South African townships. They were really creative with the sea vans. In the one pic, they were roasting goat heads & no I didn’t try any.

replying to @NomadKeith @NomadKeith Yes. I think I've been influenced by films and interested in cultures from what I've seen on screen. Grabbing a slice in NYC comes to mind #PTTravel

replying to @JKatzaman @JKatzaman 😆 subtle threats! Many capital cities in particular are very clean #PTTravel

RT @OutoftheOffice8: @kate_frankie #PTTravel Chat A2: The different culture that impressed me the most was in Ecuador. The people were so…

A3 #PTTravel We had no idea what this procession in Peru was about. Our guide didn't know, either, but said she would try & find out. She never did get back to us, though.

Look at all the things we found to see and do ... https://t.co/VfrrSVkPcJ on a day trip to Caledon in Ontario. #PTTravel

replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie #pttravel I have met one or two people who've expressed disappointment with Hawaii because they sad it wasn't anything like the films.

#PTTravel Chat
A2 I think one of the very different cultures that still captivates me is India. The smells, sounds, busy and hustling cities, the food and the people. Bursts of colour, temples, tuk tuks and beautiful scenery on coast/in hills

#PTTravel Chat
Q4 Which cultures or cultural experiences would you like to experience in future and why?