Travel Deals & Good Value
A2 #pttravel We booked the trip, then heard that there were insufficient numbers, and would we like to book for 2 weeks later. They gave us £100 discount ... even though the later trip was £150 more expensive!
A2 Last trip to Venice (Jan 2020) still a great bargain. £65 per night 4* hotel with breakfast plus return flights from UK for £60 each. Plus wine from €1 per glass… if you know where to go and what to ask for! #pttravel
A2 #pttravel I once was able to take advantage of one of those computer glitches that gives you cheap air fares. I paid $100 RT to NYC & had a lot lined up to do including Cal Ripken’s last @MLB game. What happened? 9/11 happened about 2 weeks before I was supposed to go.
RT @NomadKeith: A2 #pttravel We booked the trip, then heard that there were insufficient numbers, and would we like to book for 2 weeks lat…
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A2: When Megabus started the route between London and Paris, I managed to go for £10 return. (Whether this meets other people's criteria for "good value" is another matter as it was an overnight bus! 🤣) #PTTravel
RT @Txiki_Tales: A2 Last trip to Venice (Jan 2020) still a great bargain. £65 per night 4* hotel with breakfast plus return flights from UK…
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A2: Was in GuatCity airport thinking to get a flight to MexCity. Saw this little airline counter with flights to Flores. Asked how much (was about $20 USD) but you have to get on the plane now sir. #pttravel
RT @aok_NW: A2 #pttravel I once was able to take advantage of one of those computer glitches that gives you cheap air fares. I paid $100 R…
RT @orcadianabroad: @kate_frankie A2: When Megabus started the route between London and Paris, I managed to go for £10 return. (Whether thi…
RT @Morology: @kate_frankie A2: Was in GuatCity airport thinking to get a flight to MexCity. Saw this little airline counter with flights t…