
Travel Lessons


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Welcome to #PTTravel Chat!
How has your week been? Where are you joining us from today?

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie Good evening from Dundee. #PTTravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A1. I grew up comparing all of the countries I lived in, determined that Australia was better than Britain, then that Germany was better than both. Now I know better. There’s beauty to be found everywhere. #PTTravel

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My preference when travelling is to find a nearby UNESCO world heritage site. I always learn something from those trips. Here are 4 of my favourites. Do you know where they are #PTTravel A2

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A2. I’ve learned just how essential solitude is to me. I do like travelling with other people and wish I was better at meeting new people while away, but not at the expense of time to myself. #PTTravel

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My favourite part of travelling is the exotic wildlife especially when it has personality like this elephant toddler #PTTravel A3

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Looking for outdoor fun in all seasons? https://t.co/VDfvq2l9lT Explore the Hamilton waterfalls and discover such a variety of views. #PTTravel @OutdoorsOntario

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replying to @FE_photograph @FE_photograph @kate_frankie I watched a really unsettling video of planes trying to land at Heathrow this weekend. Had thought until then that pilots were to head toward the end of the runway — not sideways. :-) #pttravel

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replying to @RTWBarefoot @RTWBarefoot @kate_frankie #PTTravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A3. I’m not the biggest fan of flying because my butt cramps after ten minutes and landing plays havoc with my ears, so I’m usually last on and first off the plane and chewing an entire bag of Maoam Stripes. #PTTravel


A1. Early on I discovered that people in many so-called Third World nations have much to teach us in economically more prosperous ones if we’d only open our hearts and minds. #pttravel


If you research you can find the most unexpected adventures. I found this pink dolphin in the waters around #HongKong which was a surprise given the urban nature of the city #PTTravel A4

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For me #Oxford is the city where you can learn even if you aren't a student. So many of the colleges are tied up with key events in British and world history be it the civil war, dissolution or covid vax #PTTravel A5

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replying to @StripeyMiata @StripeyMiata @___leifb73 I personally thought they were lying, but like 5 people were saying they would kill for my accent and 3 women kept asking me random questions so I would talk. apparently I do have a pleasant voice #PTTravel

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replying to @tucano2 @tucano2 Here’s a friend with friends driving through the Bolivian desert. Bumps & dust for hours! Yuck. #pttravel

Scenery was worth it though.