
Maps and navigation


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Welcome to #PTTravel Chat!
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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie Good evening from Aberdeenshire. Not sure I could have timed a trip to Hidden Treasure Tearoom better if I tried. #PTTravel

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At home after first overseas trip since before Covid - Colorado became my 18th US State visited this week #PTTravel


Hello everyone
Joining from India
#Gwalior @MPTourism
#Pttravel https://t.co/9Egbostp5d

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Hello from #Florida
#PTTravel Maps And Navigation

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A1. Iโ€™m from Dundee so the Discovery is obviously my ship of choice. A vessel Shackleton would have been familiar with, too. #PTTravel

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replying to @Travel_Session A1- It's not so much the route, but I would have loved to see the ships coming into ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท#Rhodes back in the day
#PTTravel #travelingsession

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A1 #pttravel The mouth of the Columbia River is known to be treacherous. One example was the 1906 wreck of the Peter Iredale. You can still see it today on the beach.

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie Following the great adventurers like Polynesians would be my expedition of choice - halfway through a great book 'The Human Cosmos' which reminds me how they navigated without charts or instruments #PTTravel A1

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replying to @Travel_Session A2- Before GPS, I used to just fill up my tank and go get lost when I went someplace new. When the tank started to get low, then it was time to break out the maps.
I still like to venture without GPS, but it's too easy to turn it on now.
#PTTravel #travelingsession

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A2. I donโ€™t tend to use paper maps when travelling, and was Pay As You Go for so long that I got used to not using apps either. My navigation style is more sign to sign, or I just make peace with being lost. #PTTravel

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replying to @Travel_Session A3- Even with a map, you can easily get turned around in the alleys in ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น#Venice
#PTTravel #travelingsession

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No photo of a map, but here's a city I've learned from a paper map first: Rome #PTTravel

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replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie #pttravel up a hill. lots of hills.

This was ... somewhere in Northumberland on the pennine way. I look grumpy cos I'd taken a wrong turn somewhere and the GPS locator on my phone was playing up. And it was a bit damp.

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This doorway in #Copan #Honduras serves as a map of the cosmos #PTTravel A4

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A4 #pttravel

This is the only one I have handy ... downloaded for an upcoming trip. I feel more comfortable knowing roughly where I am, or am going to be on the Earth's surface.