Favourite travel things
#PTTravel Chat
Q1 What are your favourite travel things on long flights, train journeys or long drives, and why?
A1 #pttravel I like to have entertainment on long haul travel. My favorite thing to have is my tablet so I can either read or watch video.
A1 #PTTravel Probably old fashioned but ... my MP3 player, with a playlist of 60s, 70s and 80s hits and another of light classical
RT @aok_NW: A1 #pttravel I like to have entertainment on long haul travel. My favorite thing to have is my tablet so I can either read or…
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A1. My favourite things when travelling long distance are a window seat, earphones to drown out other travellers and, if flying, Maoam to keep my ears from exploding. #PTTravel
#PTTravel Chat
A1 I love to have noise cancelling headphones, my phone, a notebook and pen, comfy socks/shoes and some form of entertainment. I watch films on flights or listen to music.
Snacks are always a good idea too
RT @NomadKeith: A1 #PTTravel Probably old fashioned but ... my MP3 player, with a playlist of 60s, 70s and 80s hits and another of light cl…
RT @findinganeish: @kate_frankie A1. My favourite things when travelling long distance are a window seat, earphones to drown out other trav…
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A1. I love a train picnic, with some snack treats that I wouldn't usually buy, a good playlist or podcast to soundtrack the trip, and a new book or magazine to dive into. And a window seat to take in the views or just watch the clouds . #PTTravel
A1: I don't really use electronics on long distance trips as I get motion sickness, so I don't bring any with em. I do however make sure to bring a big scarf with me. It acts as a small blanket and keeps me warm on cold planes and buses, especially around SE Asia. #PTTravel
RT @vickyinglis13: @kate_frankie A1. I love a train picnic, with some snack treats that I wouldn't usually buy, a good playlist or podcast…
RT @OanaRoua: A1: I don't really use electronics on long distance trips as I get motion sickness, so I don't bring any with em. I do howeve…
replying to @kate_frankie
@kate_frankie A1 I only read books on planes or trains, so I load up my Kindle before I go.
RT @StripeyMiata: @kate_frankie A1 I only read books on planes or trains, so I load up my Kindle before I go.
Books & noise cancelling headphones are my essentials on long journeys #PTTravel A1
RT @findinganeish: @kate_frankie A1. My favourite things when travelling long distance are a window seat, earphones to drown out other trav…
RT @FE_photograph: Books & noise cancelling headphones are my essentials on long journeys #PTTravel A1
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie #pttravel A1: i tend to look out the window. Or, as I am at the moment, listen to podcasts.
replying to @kate_frankie
@kate_frankie A1 for me it was the inflight movie options since I could watch a new release movie without having to go to a theatre.
though there are like 20 movies I don't know how the last 10 minutes end. #PTTravel
RT @RTWBarefoot: @kate_frankie #pttravel A1: i tend to look out the window. Or, as I am at the moment, listen to podcasts.
RT @MeToddScott: @kate_frankie A1 for me it was the inflight movie options since I could watch a new release movie without having to go to…
A1: podcasts, magazines, occasionally music and shows in my own devices. I haven't used the in flight entertainment in a couple of years now #PTTravel
RT @travelexx: A1: podcasts, magazines, occasionally music and shows in my own devices. I haven't used the in flight entertainment in a cou…