Favourite travel things
#PTTravel Chat
Q6 Which favourite things have you missed most during the pandemic when travel was not possible/easy to do?
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A6. Just taking a turn down an unfamiliar street to see what lies at the ebd of it. #PTTravel
A6: I missed just jetting off somewhere, on a weekend city break, for a tenner on Ryanair. I miss travelling without restrictions. #PTTravel
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie #pttravel a6 ... see, I'm always fond of hometown and domestic travel, so I've done some of that over the period, in the same style of travel as i do abroad, so I've not really *missed* much? I've not travelled much in two years more because of finance than because of pandemic.
A6 #PTTravel I have, in the past, been known to 'liberate' a pen from a hotel room, airline, car hire place or whatever. Last week ... for the first time in over 40 years ... I had to BUY a pen! 😆😆
RT @NomadKeith: A6 #PTTravel I have, in the past, been known to 'liberate' a pen from a hotel room, airline, car hire place or whatever. La…
RT @vickyinglis13: @kate_frankie A6. Just taking a turn down an unfamiliar street to see what lies at the ebd of it. #PTTravel
RT @OanaRoua: A6: I missed just jetting off somewhere, on a weekend city break, for a tenner on Ryanair. I miss travelling without restrict…