Home comforts vs getting out of comfort zone
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A5 I’ve always tried & failed badly at learning a language. I’m somewhat drawn to the idea of spending an extended time in a Spanish-speaking country to try desperately to pick more up! #pttravel
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie I still need a few more lessons to get up on the board, but I really enjoyed it. #PTTravel
RT @OanaRoua: A5: Probably a combination of both. I like to get out of my comfort zone and try new things - that's what living is for. It w…
RT @RooLovesTravel: @kate_frankie A4 I can’t share photos but the first thing that came to mind here was some of the toilet facilities I’ve…
RT @Morology: @kate_frankie A5: Leave preconceptions at home, turn off cellphone, ignore the travel blog, wander away from the map. #pttr…
#PTTravel Chat
Q6 What advice do you have for travellers wanting to get out of their comfort zone on a trip?
A5 #PTTravel I see snow capped mountains ... from a warm, comfortable chalet, where there's a nice duvet to snuggle under, and a cup of hot chocolate to hand!
RT @NomadKeith: @kate_frankie #pttravel Only when I was learning Nordic ski-ing. I got dangerously out of control & headed for a wood. Late…
replying to @NomadKeith @NomadKeith I deployed the falling over technique many times when skiing #PTTravel
RT @aok_NW: A5 #PTTravel I need to go to South America. I still haven’t been & I think that would be out of my comfort zone because I’m un…
A6 #PTTravel You can give advice, but some people aren’t going to leave their comfort zone for any reason. I had a relative who took a lot of trips on cruise ships, but her idea of getting out of her comfort zone was to take a group tour of the city for a couple of hours.
A6 #PTTravel Talk to people ... or' at least communicate with them, I once had a great conversation with a Portuguese farmer ... conducted mainly in sign language and 'pidgin-Spanish'!
RT @RooLovesTravel: @kate_frankie A5 I’ve always tried & failed badly at learning a language. I’m somewhat drawn to the idea of spending an…
RT @OanaRoua: @kate_frankie I still need a few more lessons to get up on the board, but I really enjoyed it. #PTTravel
RT @NomadKeith: A5 #PTTravel I see snow capped mountains ... from a warm, comfortable chalet, where there's a nice duvet to snuggle under,…
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A6 Trust logic. And always ask other travellers for advice if there is something specific you’re worried about. Lots of people have great recommendations #pttravel
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A6: It is ok to feel uncomfortable. #pttravel
RT @aok_NW: A6 #PTTravel You can give advice, but some people aren’t going to leave their comfort zone for any reason. I had a relative wh…
RT @NomadKeith: A6 #PTTravel Talk to people ... or' at least communicate with them, I once had a great conversation with a Portuguese farme…
RT @RooLovesTravel: @kate_frankie A6 Trust logic. And always ask other travellers for advice if there is something specific you’re worried…
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie #pttravel My cousin, a keen biker, who used to race motor-bikes, calls it 'Putting Down'! Sometimes, it's the only way to avoid total disaster!
replying to @kate_frankie @kate_frankie A4. Mostly it’s delays and cancellations where I have to take my earphones out and actually speak to someone. #PTTravel
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I hope you have a great week ahead. Take care and safe travels
RT @findinganeish: @kate_frankie A4. Mostly it’s delays and cancellations where I have to take my earphones out and actually speak to someo…