
Trail Hazards


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Q4: Some hazards are man-made (loud music, litter), and some are inherently natural (look, an angry bear!). Out of the two, which do you feel is more of an issue #hiking? #nationalparks #parkchat

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replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer A4) We're voting for Natural. Most (but not all) human crated hazards are marked and rather defined. Bears and leeches do their thing, no posted signs and little to no warning. #Parkchat

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replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer A4 #ParkChat Sadly the man-made sort. Used TP is a disgusting hazard that I hate seeing on trail. And when you try to gently mention Leave No Trace some people can get mean and angry. ☹️

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replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer A4. Definetly man made, more so because you can’t plan for them. It surprises me odd some of the things people will do, and think there is nothing wrong. #ParkChat

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replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer A4) My hikes tend to be more mellow, so the terrain is not too deadly by default. Subsequently, people concern me more. #ParkChat

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A4 I used to think wildlife and cliffside trails were the biggest issues of hiking, but now I think stupid people getting too close to wildlife and falling off cliffiside trails is actually much worse. #ParkChat https://t.co/FraD6BrLqU


A4. Going with human-made on this one. Very few angry bears out there, and those that are generally have a good reason. Humans, on the other hand. #ParkChat

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A4 Who's to say that an angry bear isn't a manmade hazard? #ParkChat


A4 Honestly, humans. Ran into a bear on the trail. The bear was cool, but the folks on the other side of the bear wigged out. I want to spray them with bear spray. #ParkChat

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replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer #parkchat A4 People. Hands down. You don't think we carry the bear spray for bears, do you?! 😆

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replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer A4: The year Chris hiked the Appalachian Trail, he ran into plenty of wildlife. More terrifying was that there were a few shootings on the AT that year. #MurdersontheAT #ManMade #ParkChat

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replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer A4) The man-made hazards are the ones I'm most concerned with, I've dealt with bears in the past and haven't had any problems with them when compared with people who have no idea what #LeaveNoTrace means. #ParkChat


replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer A4 Man made hazards are far more dangerous (and depressing!) #parkchat


replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer #parkchat A4 how bout a combo of the two witn the drunk antagonizing the bison at Yellowstone last week?

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replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer A4: ALTHOUGH, the year that he was a Adventure Guide in Alaska, he got stuck at Wrangell- St. Elias with guests for an extra three days past their extraction date because there was too much snow. The plane couldn't land, and they ran out of food. #ParkChat #NaturalHazards


replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer #parkchat A4 but rattlesnakes are also inherently dangerous as well and a hazard

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replying to @last_adventurer @last_adventurer A4. Man-made. My only real bear encounter was in a parking lot at a Super 8 in Winter Park, Colorado. He was climbing out of the dumpster we parked the car next to. My then-infant son was in a backpack on the my back. My wife yelled. I fell. And the bear ran away. #parkchat


RT @tabbsbetrippin: @last_adventurer A4: ALTHOUGH, the year that he was a Adventure Guide in Alaska, he got stuck at Wrangell- St. Elias wi…