A4 The Chattahoochee National Forest is closest. it is mostly pines, though. There are some really beautiful views off the forest service roads, though. #parkchat
replying to @NatlParkPodcast @NatlParkPodcast @59NationalParks Love them both. #ParkChat
replying to @DryTortugasFilm @DryTortugasFilm @publiclandlvr @Wild_Tribute @HaleakalaNPS Apologize for my gender #parkchat
replying to @59NationalParks @59NationalParks A4) Los Padres National Forest is just 20 minutes from my house. I've not spend a lot of time in, but I remember it being the only "green" flora when we first moved here b/c of the drought. #ParkChat
RT @Wild_Tribute: Q5. Healing Forests in Japan and Korea are testament to the healing power of Trees. Do you concur? Will this practice mak…
replying to @mamanobles @mamanobles @Wild_Tribute I always smell ponderosas. I've actually had sap on my nose. #ParkChat
replying to @59NationalParks @59NationalParks A4) Oh geez, there's so many in the Sierras and I don't know which is the closest without doing the calculations and measuring but mostly there's Ponderosa Pine and Douglas Fur. #ParkChat
replying to @Wild_Tribute @Wild_Tribute I think it already has- look at all of us #ParkChat people. We go to the parks for spiritual renewal. There’s no calm like forest calm. #FindYourPark
replying to @Wild_Tribute @Wild_Tribute @publiclandlvr @HaleakalaNPS Yes she is correct. #ParkChat
RT @59NationalParks: Welcome to a special Trees in the Parks edition of #ParkChat Who is ready to climb onboard? @Wild_Tribute #Treehuggers…
RT @t_jh2009: @59NationalParks @GreatBasinNPS A2) Hands down it's the Giant Sequoia at John Muir National Historic Site because John Muir p…
RT @treasured_lands: A1 So many special trees, but the Sequoia are the ones tied to my earliest visits to the national parks, and as elabor…
replying to @Wild_Tribute @Wild_Tribute @59NationalParks From Rome GA where we have plenty of rain to share. #ParkChat
replying to @Wild_Tribute @Wild_Tribute A5 #ParkChat I think municipalities are starting to recognize how important wild green spaces are and plan for more of them.
replying to @Wild_Tribute @Wild_Tribute @59NationalParks @GreatBasinNPS There a Fig tree there that dates back to John Muir. #ParkChat
A4. I've got a city park with a few big trees in it about three miles away. And a state park with old-growth 10 miles away. And a state forest with (one grove of) old-growth 12 miles away. Seriously, I live in big tree country. #ParkChat
replying to @Wild_Tribute @Wild_Tribute A5 I think it's an interesting concept and true for me. Perhaps people have to discover this for themselves but who knows? #ParkChat
replying to @Wild_Tribute @Wild_Tribute A5) I don't know if they will officially make there way here, but I think more and more people are seeking forests for healing purposes here in the States. I find great peace and am able to recharge in nature and I can only imagine others feel the same way. #ParkChat
RT @ParksandPoints: We had an amazing day exploring @DryTortugasNPS! Getting to one of the most remote parks in the #nps was a special adve…
replying to @NatlParkPodcast @NatlParkPodcast @Stars252525 The Gila National Forest is one of those hidden gems. #ParkChat
I’m partial to the cherry blossoms at the National Mall in DC. I just never want to go back to DC. #ParkChat
replying to @NatlParkPodcast @NatlParkPodcast @Stars252525 @59NationalParks Gila throws off a primal aura. Can’t wait to visit one day (soon). Imagine it being similar to Bears Ears but in the forest. #ParkChat
RT @naturetechfam: @59NationalParks @GreatBasinNPS #parkchat A2 this pine @WindCaveNPS near the Elk Mtn Campground was a beautiful setting…
RT @cleverwomanNY: A1) Hello from New York! when I saw this weeping willow tree on the Connecticut River I felt it had a long story to tell…
replying to @Stars252525 @Stars252525 @mamanobles Permanent air freshener? #ParkChat
replying to @Wild_Tribute @Wild_Tribute #parkchat A5 I can personally attest to feeling better after a walk in the trees. Or even just going and sitting by a tree. So YES! I would love to see this mindset become popular in North America!
RT @EPCOTExplorer: @Wild_Tribute I think it already has- look at all of us #ParkChat people. We go to the parks for spiritual renewal. Ther…
RT @BarnetteJason: A1 The dogwood is my spirit tree. I adopted one when I was five years old and watched it grow throughout my childhood. D…
replying to @59NationalParks @59NationalParks A4 Seaquest State Park - it's small, but it's the only decent size natural forest remaining for many miles in any direction. It has some very large doug firs, big leaf maples, and a few exotic specimens planted back when it was a homestead. #parkchat
RT @t_jh2009: @Wild_Tribute A1) Both the Coastal Redwoods and Giant Sequoias are trees that if not speak to me they gather my attention mor…
RT @Wild_Tribute: Q5. Healing Forests in Japan and Korea are testament to the healing power of Trees. Do you concur? Will this practice mak…
replying to @EPCOTExplorer @EPCOTExplorer Totally agree. Few things are better for your well being IMO #ParkChat
replying to @59NationalParks @59NationalParks @GreatBasinNPS A2 #ParkChat We just couldn’t get over the size and scale of the Redwoods and Sequoias in @RedwoodNPS last summer. @allidanielson just couldn’t resist wrapping one up. “I just want to feel what they’ve been through”
RT @NakMakFeegle: @59NationalParks @GreatBasinNPS A2 I have a lot of favorite tree photos, this one from last spring in the Quinnault Rainf…
RT @ecdanielson: @59NationalParks @GreatBasinNPS A2 #ParkChat We just couldn’t get over the size and scale of the Redwoods and Sequoias in…
A5 More than 20 years ago, I was in a break-up and feeling sad. I went on month-long road trip and on first stop, at Great Basin National Park, I hugged the bristlecone pines. #parkchat
A5 As a Romantic, with quite a bit of Transcendentalist in there, yeah, there’s a healing power in all of nature, not just the trees. #parkchat
replying to @Stars252525 @Stars252525 @mamanobles @Wild_Tribute That is always the first thing we notice after coming home from a vacation. The way our yard smells! 😁 #parkchat
RT @WildWithinHer: A4. I've got a city park with a few big trees in it about three miles away. And a state park with old-growth 10 miles aw…
replying to @Wild_Tribute @Wild_Tribute A5) I would have to agree that the trees did have a calming effect while I was in South Korea. #ParkChat
A5. I think some people are already using public lands for forest bathing and like practices. I know being in the forest is necessary to my well-being (right, @coasthikergirl?). #ParkChat
Q6 #ParkChat Which National Park that you’ve visited had the best “Tree Experience” for you? What was the most memorable aspect of that experience? @CongareeNPS ranks high on our list.
replying to @Wild_Tribute @Wild_Tribute A5: Simply having untouched places for relaxation and soul therapy improve quality of life. Unsure of their encouraged development in the States due to modernization #ParkChat
replying to @naturetechfam @naturetechfam It would certainly further the cause of conservation. Think about that added bonus. #ParkChat