Q3. #Yosemite & its park peers have inspired countless writers. What are your park-related reading recommendations? (Or, if you don’t have a book in mind, your favorite park- or nature-themed quote!) #ParkChat
replying to @YoseConservancy
@YoseConservancy A3. #Parkchat
John Muir quote~
"The mountains are calling and I must go."
A3. The Laws Guide. Don't leave home without it (if you're heading to the Sierra Nevada, that is). Not a literary book, but worth reading again and again! #ParkChat
RT @YoseConservancy: A3. The Laws Guide. Don't leave home without it (if you're heading to the Sierra Nevada, that is). Not a literary book…
replying to @YoseConservancy
@YoseConservancy A3) Anything by Muir.
"And into the forest I go,
to lose my mind and find my soul."
replying to @YoseConservancy @YoseConservancy A3. "Yosemite," by Al Runte, "The Battle Over Hetch Hetchy," by Bob Righter, "King Sequoia," by Bill Tweed, and "My First Summer in the Sierra" and "The Yosemite," by John Muir. #ParkChat
replying to @YoseConservancy @YoseConservancy A3: I always recommend @andrea_lankford's Ranger Confidential for anyone interested in life as a #parkranger. And I'm currently reading Ishi: Last of His Tribe, which is connected to @LassenNPS. Of course, @WildWithinHer's book on @NCascadesNPS is a must! #ParkChat
A3: #Yosemite climber Glen Denny's memoir is a gripping read, even if you prefer to keep your feet solidly on the ground! #ParkChat
replying to @YoseConservancy @YoseConservancy A3: “My First Summer in the Sierra” and “Crown Jewel Wilderness: Creating North Cascades National Park” by #ParkChat Hall of Famer @WildWithinHer
A3) I have yet to read a Yosemite-specific book, but I do feel a strong tie with the park to many John Muir quotes. #parkchat https://t.co/lBm4zKY5uU
RT @WildWithinHer: @YoseConservancy A3. "Yosemite," by Al Runte, "The Battle Over Hetch Hetchy," by Bob Righter, "King Sequoia," by Bill Tw…
replying to @YoseConservancy @YoseConservancy A3. Right now I'm reading Marguerite Henry's "Brighty of the Grand Canyon" to our 8 year old. #ParkChat @GrandCanyonNPS
replying to @YoseConservancy @YoseConservancy A3) I'd recommend anything written by John Muir who happens to be the grandfather of my late friend, Ross Hanna. #ParkChat
A3 This is the book that started my fascination with @YosemiteNPS Love it and Shirley Sargent so. #ParkChat
replying to @YoseConservancy
@YoseConservancy A3 #ParkChat “The Wild Muir” which just so happens to be published by the @YoseConservancy
A3: We're big fans of park-themed children's books such as “The Sequoia Lives On" & “Where’s Rodney”! (Check out some more books for young readers >> https://t.co/QfmS0pKgt8) #ParkChat
replying to @YoseConservancy @YoseConservancy A3) I would say Muir but honestly the racism in his writing turns me off. His words about nature were inspiring but his words about people of color abhorrent. #Parkchat
replying to @YoseConservancy @YoseConservancy A3. Writings by Muir and Leopold are full of quotes worth repeating. #parkchat
RT @Stars252525: A3 This is the book that started my fascination with @YosemiteNPS Love it and Shirley Sargent so. #ParkChat https://t.co/p…
replying to @YoseConservancy @YoseConservancy A3 Perhaps a bit odd, but I found Death in Yosemite interesting 😬 #ParkChat
RT @YoseConservancy: A3: We're big fans of park-themed children's books such as “The Sequoia Lives On" & “Where’s Rodney”! (Check out some…
RT @Stars252525: A3 This is the book that started my fascination with @YosemiteNPS Love it and Shirley Sargent so. #ParkChat https://t.co/p…