
Park Trails


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Welcome to a special “Park Trails” edition of #ParkChat featuring our guest host and one of our favorite authors @beckyjlomax You have a copy of her latest, right? Who is ready to blaze the trail? @Wild_Tribute

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Howdy from Texas where it has been a horrible, windy, dusty, creepy day on the South Plains. #ParkChat

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Bink in the #parkchat lodge tonight!

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replying to @Wild_Tribute @Wild_Tribute @beckyjlomax Hi Tom & Susan from windy Scottsdale! #parkchat

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Let the Trail Talk Rumpus begin! One of you can receive tonight's giveaway: Moon USA National Parks. The book will go to a thoughtful answer tonight (in words or in a pic) that celebrates hiking in the national parks. #parkchat

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Good evening, distracted by Islanders hockey and a great sunset but I am here! #ParkChat

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replying to @59NationalParks @59NationalParks @beckyjlomax @Wild_Tribute #Parkchat I'm here and wow, what a great prize!

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replying to @59NationalParks @59NationalParks @beckyjlomax @Wild_Tribute 👋 #parkchat

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replying to @59NationalParks @59NationalParks Not as old as the adding machine next to it! #ParkChat

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replying to @59NationalParks @59NationalParks @Wild_Tribute A1: I skipped on doing Bright Angel last year but definitely will do down to the Canyon floor next time. #ParkChat

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replying to @59NationalParks @59NationalParks @Wild_Tribute A1: At Mt Ranier, I always wanted to do all the Burroughs Mt. hikes, but just not enough time time to get beyond Burroughs 1. I try to pick hikes with great views! #ParkChat

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A1) Tough one, we generally are traveling at a moderate clip, so we try to get a good sampling of hikes in each #park we visit. That said we are bummed that weather and time cut short our hike to Grinnell Glacier in @GlacierNPS and hope to make it back (before it melts) #ParkChat

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A1 Elevation change. It's easier and faster to walk a longer trail with a shorter elevation change than vice versa.

But one trail I really wish I had hiked was to Hawksbill Bill at @ShenandoahNPS, the highest point in the park. #ParkChat


replying to @iStefPayne @iStefPayne @59NationalParks @Wild_Tribute @SequoiaKingsNPS So so so beautiful. But definitely more of an expedition! #parkchat

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replying to @59NationalParks @59NationalParks @Wild_Tribute A1 Bright Angel Trail @GrandCanyonNPS Had very limited time when I visited and really wanted to get below the rim so I hiked 20 minutes down the trail then turned around and headed back up having to pull over for a mule train once 😬 #ParkChat


replying to @WildWithinHer @WildWithinHer @59NationalParks We don't know how Don does it. He must be a thumb master. #ParkChat


replying to @beckyjlomax @beckyjlomax A2: Tough questions! Mountains have always been my favorite, rivers & waterfalls! But now living in the desert, I like the vastness of the desert & rocky mountains! #parkchat

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replying to @melissa_sue @melissa_sue @59NationalParks @Wild_Tribute It’s a lot more even than that 😘 #parkchat

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replying to @beckyjlomax @beckyjlomax A2 #parkchat Trails through high meadows to a beautiful alpine lake surrounded by soaring mountains. Because it’s my paradise.
I was lucky to have this gem of a spot all to myself!