
National Parks Road Trips


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Q4 Have you ever encountered any #wildlife while driving through a #nationalpark? What are some tips for avoiding that fateful collision? Seeing the most wildlife? Capturing a great photo? #ParkChat


replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4: Been delayed by a herd of elk in RMNP more than once #parkchat

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replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4. I saw a bunny run across the road in Big Bend. I've encountered some cows along the coastal highway between Redwood groves. Some bison at a state park. #ParkChat

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replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4 More animals than I could count. GO SLOW. Do not speed. At dusk and in the dark, watch for their eyes. Best way to see animals is go early and late. We are not good photographers. #ParkChat


replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4) Wildlife is common in most of the National Parks I've been to. Keep your head on a swivel and take it slow. Have a passenger take the photos. #parkchat


A4 Of course @YellowstoneNPS would provide the most memorable roadside wildlife viewing for me - I passed a bison on Fishing Bridge going one way while I was going the other way #parkchat


replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4: I did encounter some Elk in the road at RMNP on several visits but most of my sightings come by looking out into the meadows and pulling off the road to view #ParkChat


A4 And how could I fail to answer this question without mentioning all the goddam jackrabbits on the road to Wildrose @DeathValleyNPS #parkchat

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replying to @mjn126 @mjn126 @RoadTripsCoffee A4: Yeah, Caprock Canyons is great for that #ParkChat

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replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4 Luckily both of my real-life bear encounters have been while I've been safely inside a vehicle! I saw a black bear walking along in Cades Cove @GreatSmokyNPS & a cute little bear cub at the side of the road @ShenandoahNPS. I'm sure Mama was close by! #ParkChat

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replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4) Ran into (thankfully, not literally) Wile E. Coyote @DeathValleyNPS. I admittedly had a little too much fun speeding on the open roads there, so I recommend going slower. #ParkChat

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replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4: the sign of a good trip is slowing down for the wildlife. it's their home and we are simply visiting. 😊 be aware of the speed limits! taking your time through a park is the best way to see it. no need to speed; keep yourself, those around you and the animals safe.



replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4) I've encountered wildlife numerous times in various parks, best thing you can do is keep your distance, don't make any sudden moves and remain calm. #ParkChat

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replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4. Yeah, I've found it's often the little critters that I'm avoiding. Prairie dogs especially. Bison are easy to see and take precautions from, but the little things that dart across the road scare me. #parkchat

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A4: We enjoyed the bison over Easter weekend at @ElkIslandNP. We've been fortunate to witness so much wildlife over the years from bears to mountain sheep to elk. STAY IN THE CAR. I hate seeing people get out to get close. #parkchat

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replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4. Always photograph from the passenger seat. Like these guys on the @BlueRidgeNPS #ParkChat


RT @MomsWanderlust: A4: We enjoyed the bison over Easter weekend at @ElkIslandNP. We've been fortunate to witness so much wildlife over the…


A4: Don’t leave the car when you see potentially dangerous animals. Drive slow or stop, but never leave the car. Seen a family, 3 kids out the car when a black bear mommy & cubs crossed a road. they got close for pictures,how the hell can you do that? #ParkChat @RoadTripsCoffee


replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4 #ParkChat drivers at GC stop in middle of road to take pics of elk; holds up traffic or forces others to swerve. My tip is I promise youll see a TON of elk, all day, everywhere. No need to stop dangerously, find a real parking space & youll see 50 of em while walking wherever


RT @MomsWanderlust: A4: We enjoyed the bison over Easter weekend at @ElkIslandNP. We've been fortunate to witness so much wildlife over the…


replying to @RoadTripsCoffee @RoadTripsCoffee A4: I've had to stop for bears to cross the road at @GreatSmokyNPS a couple of times. Cade's Cove is a great place to see lots of wildlife! Also seen fair amount of elk in other areas of GSMNP and @RockyNPS. #ParkChat