
#YS2022 #TalesOfScotlan


Join us on Wed. 26th Jan to talk about Year of Stories

Welcome to the first #ScotlandHour of 2022 [our 11th year hosting this chat] where we are celebrating the Year of Stories and one of our greatest storytellers – and our bard – Robert Burns. To quote VisitScotland, one of our guest hosts this month, describing Year of Stories,

“Stories are a vital part of Scotland’s culture and every community has a different tale to tell. Shared stories, whether spoken, written, sung or filmed are what give a sense of place, history and belonging. This year you can look forward to events and festivals by local and national organisations, community groups, museums, heritage sites and other visitor attractions with storytelling always at the heart of it.

You’ll also have the chance to experience the diversity of stories that Scotland has inspired by visiting the real-life locations from your favourite books, films and songs. From storytelling icons to emerging voices, local legends to tales of the natural world, Scotland’s Year of Stories is sure to capture your imagination.”

Year of Stories as a theme has certainly inspired us as the essence of ScotlandHour is telling stories and encouraging people to visit this great country. We are delighted therefore that VisitScotland is one of our guest hosts as @VisitScotNews. We are also delighted to be working with the Scottish Government on behalf of the Brand Scotland partnership’ to celebrate Burns Night which takes place on the 25th but we are continuing the celebrations on the 26th too and have some Burns questions as part of the hour #ScotlandIsNow. Finally welcome to Scottish Bed and Breakfast and Guest House Alliance with their Be Our Guest Campaign funded by money from VisitScotland @SGHBBA who are our final guest hosts for the evening. From the Scotland Hour team, we have @KirstenAlana and @FionaDrane.

Year of Stories 2022 in Scotland

As usual, we will be using #ScotlandHour but in addition please use the hashtags for Year of Stories #YS2022 and #TalesOfScotland, and the Celebrate Burns Night hashtag #CelebrateBurnsNight.

Q1. What’s your favourite local tale or legend? #ScotlandHour #YS2022 #TalesOfScotland #CelebrateBurnsNight

Q2. This week Scotland and the world is celebrating the continued legacy of one of our country’s finest storytellers Robert Burns. What is your most loved line from a Burns poem or song? #ScotlandHour #YS2022 #TalesOfScotland #CelebrateBurnsNight

Q3. What events, attractions or activities are you most looking forward to experiencing in Scotland’s Year of Stories 2022? #ScotlandHour #YS2022 #TalesOfScotland #CelebrateBurnsNight

Q4. What location in Scotland provides the backdrop to a memorable story for you (photos welcome)? #ScotlandHour #YS2022 #TalesOfScotland #CelebrateBurnsNight

Q5. Burns Night events have been taking place across the world this week and people have been toasting the Bard and celebrating Scotland’s culture. How did you #CelebrateBurnsNight this year? Please share an image or video and we can keep the celebrations going! #ScotlandHour #YS2022 #TalesOfScotland

Q6. Please share photos and videos that you think could inspire people to visit Scotland during the Year of Stories! #ScotlandHour #YS2022 #TalesOfScotland #CelebrateBurnsNight