Pilgrimages and Spiritual Journeys


3:30 Q1. Have you visited a destination you felt spiritually driven to #travel to? #TNI

3:40 Q2. Tell us what you’d hope to get from #travel on a Spiritual Journey. #TNI

3:50 Q3. What brings you peace and makes you feel connected to a destination when you #travel? #TNI

4:00 Q4. Share with us what you think a Spiritual or Inspiring Journey should be when it comes to #travel. #TNI

4:10 Q5. Tell us about a place your #travel has taken you to where you felt inspired after visiting. #TNI

4:20 Q6. Share with us an unusual destination that you think #travel to would be a Spiritual Experience. #TNI

4:30 Q7. Do you think #travel on a Pilgrimage must be religious? #TNI

4:40 Q8. Has any Spiritual Destination held your imagination to #travel to over the years? How did you learn of it? #TNI

4:50 Q9. If you could take a Spiritual Pilgrimage, would you chose to #travel alone or with others? #TNI

5:00 Q10. Share with us a place you feel calling you spiritually to #travel to. #TNI