Adapting, Overcoming, Moving On.
#TNI RECAP starts now! Join the fun. [recaps by @Travoscape] #TravelTips #lovetotravel
Q1. Share with us the first time you hit a real hiccups in your
#travel on your own and you had to adapt and overcome. #TNI
RT @JeromeShaw: Q1. Share with us the first time you hit a real hiccups in your
#travel on your own and you had to adapt and overcome. #TNI
Q1. Share with us the first time you hit a real hiccups in your #travel on your own and you had to adapt and overco…
RT @JeromeShaw: Q1. Share with us the first time you hit a real hiccups in your
#travel on your own and you had to adapt and overcome. #TNI
replying to @JeromeShaw @JeromeShaw a1: I was abandoned in Paris by my (now former) friend in a time before the smartphone and figured it o…
Q2. How have you helped someone experiencing a #travel problem while in transit? #TNI
Q2. How have you helped someone experiencing a #travel problem while in transit? #TNI
RT @JeromeShaw: Q1. Share with us the first time you hit a real hiccups in your
#travel on your own and you had to adapt and overcome. #TNI
replying to @flyingwithfish @flyingwithfish A1: When I was a kid, I was going on connecting flights from #SF to Arizona to Mexico with my mom.…
Well @Polymathically , I am still stuck on "she ended up leaving me stranded in Arizona. “ … but hey you got a first class ride home! #TNI
replying to @flyingwithfish @flyingwithfish A2: I get asked for directions all the time, usually on a subway or hiking in the city. #TNI
Q2. How have you helped someone experiencing a #travel problem while in transit? #TNI (I have helped people get r…
#TNI RECAP in progress: Be our stars! [recaps by @Travoscape] #TravelBloggers #tbex
replying to @flyingwithfish @flyingwithfish a2: snow in US canceled flights at LHR i adopted college student to get her on a BA flight home wit…
replying to @flyingwithfish @flyingwithfish Rebooking is always a struggle and hard to navigate. taking them to lounge is great bonus for them #tni
Q3. Tell us about a travel snag that impacted your #travel which you can now look back on and laugh at. #TNI
Q3. Tell us about a travel snag that impacted your #travel which you can now look back on and laugh at. #TNI
Q3. Tell us about a travel snag that impacted your #travel which you can now look back on and laugh at. #TNI
Q3. Tell us about a travel snag that impacted your #travel which you can now look back on and laugh at. #TNI
Q3. Tell us about a travel snag that impacted your #travel which you
can now look back on and laugh at. #TNI
replying to @flyingwithfish @flyingwithfish A3: I was in Peru last month. Due to weather conditions, the airport in Cusco was shut down for the…
Q3. Tell us about a travel snag that impacted your #travel which you can now look back on and laugh at. #TNI (Arri…
Q4. #Travel itinerary glitches happen, how have you overcome one that threatened to derail a whole trip? #TNI
Q4. #Travel itinerary glitches happen, how have you overcome one that threatened to derail a whole trip? #TNI
Q4. #Travel itinerary glitches happen, how have you overcome one that threatened to derail a whole trip? #TNI
Q4. #Travel itinerary glitches happen, how have you overcome one that threatened to derail a whole trip? #TNI
#TNI RECAP in progress: Be our stars! [recaps by @Travoscape] #wanderlust #lovetotravel
How do you feel with Peter's predicted future milestones in his "Countdown to the Singularity: 2013 - 2038?" 🤔…
Q4. #Travel itinerary glitches happen, how have you overcome one that
threatened to derail a whole trip? #TNI
Q4. #Travel itinerary glitches happen, how have you overcome one that threatened to derail a whole trip? #TNI (As s…
replying to @flyingwithfish @flyingwithfish A4: Eventually my anger goes full circle, and I end up being calm and just rolling with it. I break…
Q5. Have you ever encountered an insurmountable #travel problem you couldn’t readily adapt to and overcome? #TNI
Q5. Have you ever encountered an insurmountable #travel problem you couldn’t readily adapt to and overcome? #TNI
Q5. Have you ever encountered an insurmountable #travel problem you couldn’t readily adapt to and overcome? #TNI
Q5. Have you ever encountered an insurmountable #travel problem you couldn’t readily adapt to and overcome? #TNI
Q5. Have you ever encountered an insurmountable #travel problem you
couldn’t readily adapt to and overcome? #TNI
MT Polymathically
Replying to @flyingwithfish
A4: Eventually my anger goes full circle, and I end up being calm and…
replying to @flyingwithfish @flyingwithfish A5: Yeah. A year ago, I was on a 2 week trip through Central Europe. But I got kidney stones on the…
MT @Polymathically
A5: Yeah. A year ago, I was on a 2 week trip through Central Europe. But I got kidney stones on…
Q5. Have you ever encountered an insurmountable #travel problem you couldn’t readily adapt to and overcome? #TNI (Y…
Q6. Share with us how you plan to avoid encountering any #travel hiccups on the road. #TNI
Q6. Share with us how you plan to avoid encountering any #travel hiccups on the road. #TNI
Q6. Share with us how you plan to avoid encountering any #travel hiccups on the road. #TNI
Q6. Share with us how you plan to avoid encountering any #travel hiccups on the road. #TNI
Q6. Share with us how you plan to avoid encountering any #travel
hiccups on the road. #TNI